Everything You Should Know about a NJ Property Deed in 2024
Date: Mar 12, 2024 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $143
Non-Member Price: $179
Areas of Law: Real Estate
Earn up to 2.4 credits! (More Information)
- Carolina T. Curbelo, Esq.
- The Law Office of Carolina T. Curbelo, LLC, Ridgewood
- Laura M. Fisher, Esq.
- Law Office of Laura M. Fisher, LLC, Jersey City
Property deeds are an essential legal document when buying and selling a home in New Jersey. They legally transfer title from one party to the next. Deeds must be recorded and set forth certain information to be valid. Join us for an in-depth look at important items to ensure a smooth transfer of title – what a deed should contain, where and when it is recorded and common pitfalls that arise when a deed is improperly drafted or recorded.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Types of deeds- which deed for which situation?
- Quitclaim, bargain and sale, deeds in lieu of foreclosure
- Statutory requirements
- Does a deed need to be in writing?
- Requirements for preparation
- Types of clauses in a property deed
- NJ Recording Act and the Statute of Frauds
- What should I do if the deed was not registered?
- Pitfalls and safeguards
- Quit claim deeds- are they the end all or be all?
- Transferring to an LLC
- Identity of parties
- Signatures and remote notarization
- Fraudulent deed transfers, especially vacant land
- Bargain and sale deeds without covenants
- Tax and financial questions
- …and more
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