Diversity Committee Mission Statement

The Diversity Committee is a Standing Committee of the NJSBA. The Standing Committees of the NJSBA focus on the organization and operation of the Association as well as topics of concern that affect all lawyers globally.

The NJSBA Diversity Committee works with the entire NJSBA community to support the mission and vision of the NJSBA, and to ensure that diversity, in its many forms, is understood, respected and valued. The NJSBA Diversity Committee will guide efforts to conceptualize, assess, and cultivate diversity as an institutional and educational resource. The NJSBA works to promote equality in the profession and justice system and identifies ways in which the NJSBA can promote diversity in the practice of law. The NJSBA Diversity Committee seeks to collaborate with all sections and committees to ensure the full and equal access to and participation by individuals in the NJSBA, the legal profession and in the justice system regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.

Diversity Committee members can access the group’s CommunityNet website here.

Co-Chair Valerie A. Jackson
Diversity Officer & Legal Liaison
Division of Administration
Department of the Treasury
50 West State Street – 2nd Floor
PO Box 211
Trenton, NJ 08625

Co-Chair Leonard V. Jones
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
550 Broad Street
Suite 810
Newark, NJ 07102

2023-2024 Diversity Committee Members

Saad Admani
Punam P. Alam
Janice Arellano
Jeffrey Bernstein
Lisa R. Burke
Dean L. Burrell
Joanne L. Butler
Yomara Castro
Crystal L. Cochren
Melinda Colon Cox
Monica De Los Rios
Brandon DeJesus
Yvette Donaldson-Brown
Leslie A. Farber
Steven Fernandez
Jeffrey Fiorello
Lora L. Fong
Rohini C. Gandhi
Norberto A. Garcia
Lisette Guzman
Karen Gwynn
Faudia A. Hameed Clemenza
Ayesha Krishnan Hamilton
Robert N. Holup
Katrina M. Homel
Christopher L. Jackson
Emily A. Kaller
Christopher J. Keating
Roger Lai
Diana-Marie Laventure
James H. Lee
James A. Lewis, V
Joseph L. Linares
Eugenia Lynch
Linda A. Mainenti Walsh
Rachna Malkana
Brenda Maneri
Corinne L. McCann Trainor
Carmen E. Mendiola
Mariel M. Mercado-Guevara
Jessica A. Merejo
Frank J. Morano
Susan L. Nardone
NaSheena Porter Poznansky
Jeyanthi C. Rajaraman
Josan Robinson
Prema L. Roddam
William T. Rogers, III
Rajeh A. Saadeh
Andrew J. Sarrol
Cheyne R. Scott
G. Glennon Troublefield
Maria P. Vallejo
Amy Vasquez
Daryl Williams
Brett E. Yore