Landlord-Tenant Basic Skills (Practical Skills Series)

Written by:
Gregory G. Diebold, Esq.
Brian R. Lehrer, Esq.


Member Price: $47
Non-Member Price: $59

Introducing the all-new 2019 Edition of NJICLE’s popular introduction to Landlord-Tenant Law – Landlord/Tenant Basic Skills.

This practice-oriented manual will provide you with the basic strategies and forms you need to handle most simple landlord/tenant matters, including transactions related to, prior to, and after moving in; rent control; the Tenant Property Tax Rebate Act; tenant associations; and more. Carefully honed over the years to provided everything you need to get going quickly and confidently, the book will provide you with they key strategies you need to get started quickly. We’ve also includes 45 newly updated forms, so you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips when you need it. If you’re looking for New Jersey’s most comprehensive basic Landlord/Tenant Law, look no farther – order your copy today.

This edition of Landlord-Tenant Basic Skills is the “how to” primer will help to handle everyday problems, point you in the right direction, and guide you through the landlord-tenant process which you may not be familiar with or just need a refresher in this area of law. This publication is designed to take you “step-by-step” through the matters you need to handle for your clients.



Table of contents: click here


Member Price:
Non-Member Price: $59