Membership FAQs

Who can be a member of the NJSBA?

Membership in the NJSBA is open to everyone through several membership categories. Check our join page by clicking here

How do I become a member of the NJSBA?
Join the NJSBA by selecting the membership category that best fits your career stage. You can become a member by going to our join page here. If you prefer to join by mail, click here to download the membership application. Checks should be made payable to NJSBA. If you are a paralegal or legal assistant, click here for the application.

How do I renew my membership?
Just login to your NJSBA account and follow the steps here to renew your membership. 

How do I rejoin if my membership has lapsed?
If you did not renew your membership 90 days after your membership expiration date, then your membership has lapsed. To reinstate your membership, you must email [email protected] or call our Membership Department at 732-249-5000.

I forgot my username or password. Can you help me?
Click here for help resetting your password. You can also contact the NJSBA Membership Department.

How do I join a section/division?
By joining a New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) section or division, you gain access to a robust knowledge-sharing network of seasoned legal professionals via regular virtual and in-person meetings, webinars, and emails. These peer-led groups help you network, learn best practices and keep you in the know of the latest legal trends in your practice area. Membership to a section/division is at an additional cost that is not included with your membership. To view section/division pricing or to join one, click here or call our Membership Department at 732-249-5000. 

How do I join a special committee?
To join an NJSBA special committee, you must submit a request to be added to the committee. Click here or email [email protected] to receive the application. Please ensure that your membership with the NJSBA is in good standing before submitting an application. Once your committee application is reviewed and the president of the NJSBA appoints you as a member, you will be contacted with details about the committee. 

Are there dues associated with joining a special committee?
There is no cost to join a special committee. 

How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership at any time by calling our Membership Department at 732-249-5000 or emailing us at [email protected].

Are my dues tax-deductible?
The NJSBA estimates that 90% of your membership dues payment are tax-deductible as a business expense.

When is the membership year?
Your NJSBA Membership year will start on the first day of the month you joined the NJSBA and end on the last day of the 12th month. The earlier you join in the month, the more value you get!

When do I have access to my benefits?
Access to your online membership profile and most benefits begins right after you make payment. Please allow up to 7 days to gain access to all other benefits such as the Daily Briefing, our members-only newsletter.  

When will I receive my renewal notice?
Membership renewal notices are sent 2-3 months before your membership expiration date. These notices are usually sent electronically. Paper invoices are available upon request. Please email [email protected] for a copy of a printable invoice to be sent to you. We appreciate your prompt payment, which ensures your membership and benefits remain active.

What if I have problems activating my membership or have additional questions?
Please contact our Membership Department at [email protected] or 732-249-5000.