News from the NJSBA

Get all the latest news from the NJSBA about the Association, it’s advocacy, people and happenings, as well as statements and press releases about current events.

Celebrate Pro Bono Excellence with the NJSBA

All are welcome to attend the NJSBA’s annual Pro Bono Awards on Oct. 29, dedicated to attorneys who show outstanding commitment to providing legal services to the state’s underserved residents. The awards will honor six inspiring individuals, firms and corporate legal...

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Tailor How You Receive CommunityNET in Your Inbox

The NJSBA's CommunityNET is a great resource for section and committee members to ask practice questions, share information about services and much more. Members have the power to set when messages are delivered, either immediately (real time) or once a day (Daily...

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NJSBA Hosts 21st Annual Chancery Reception

The New Jersey State Bar Association welcomed the state's Chancery Division judges and their law clerks for a social reception at the New Jersey Law Center on Oct. 1. Judges celebrated the start of a new term and introduced their clerks for the coming year. View the...

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