News from the NJSBA

Get all the latest news from the NJSBA about the Association, it’s advocacy, people and happenings, as well as statements and press releases about current events.

Unlock the Value of NJSBA Membership

Did you know? NJSBA members have exclusive access to a wide range of resources that help with practice management, mental health and well-being, legal research and more. Click here to get the most out of your NJSBA membership and its member-only discounts on products,...

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NJSBA To Host 21st Annual Chancery Reception

Join the NJSBA on Oct. 1 as it welcomes the state's Chancery Division judges and their law clerks for a social reception to start the new term. The event is open to both NJSBA members and non-members. Judges and clerks can attend for free. Register here.

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Legal Research: Easy Access for NJSBA Members

NJSBA members can log in to the member benefit legal research tool, Decisis, directly through the NJSBA website. All members need to do to access the comprehensive, national Decisis case library is head to NJSBA, sign in to your account, and click on the Decisis...

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Celebrate Pro Bono Excellence with the NJSBA

All are welcome to attend the NJSBA’s annual Pro Bono Awards on Oct. 29, dedicated to attorneys who show outstanding commitment to providing legal services to the state’s underserved residents. The awards will honor six inspiring individuals, firms and corporate legal...

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