News from the NJSBA
Get all the latest news from the NJSBA about the Association, it’s advocacy, people and happenings, as well as statements and press releases about current events.
Only a Few Weeks Left – Meet the Dec. 31 MCLE Deadline with NJICLE
Don't delay! The New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education's award-winning seminars can help you meet the mandatory CLE deadline. NJICLE offers live and virtual seminars, on-demand videos and programs to satisfy your diversity, ethics and New York...
Board of Trustees Report, Dec. 12, 2024
NJSBA Board of Trustees Report Dec. 12, 2024 Note: This does not constitute official minutes Technology CLE credits: The Board voted to support a Court Rule amendment that requires attorneys to earn one CLE credit in the area of technology every two years as one of...
NJICLE Presents a Roadmap for Lawyers to Maximize Wealth and Retire Confidently
Join NJICLE for special Dec. 20 seminar on how lawyers can establish a foundation for financial success at every stage of their careers. Darren Wurz, author of “The Lawyer Millionaire,” will reveal how to build wealth, minimize your taxes and plan for retirement with...
2025 McLaughlin Awards to Recognize Excellence in Civil Law Practice
Register for the 2025 James J. McLaughlin Awards on Feb. 11, an annual tribute to the highest standard of civility, legal competence and professionalism in the practice of civil law. This year’s awards will honor retired state Supreme Justice Faustino J....
Celebrate the NJSBA’s 125th Year as the Voice of New Jersey Attorneys
In honor of the NJSBA’s 125th anniversary, celebrate with a $125 for 125 donation or purchase an engraved brick to be installed on the New Jersey Law Center portico. Donations will help fund the New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s Law School Scholarship program. Donate...
Renowned Yale Law Professor to Discuss the Courts and the Constitution in 2024
Join Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar on Dec. 19 for an updated look at the biggest U.S. Supreme Court decisions in last 12 months. Retired state Supreme Court Justice Barry T. Albin will moderate the NJICLE panel on presidential immunity, gun control, federal...
NJICLE Explores the Year’s Hottest Topics in Residential Real Estate
2024 was a watershed year for changes in how attorneys conduct residential real estate transactions. Whether you are a general practitioner or solely handle real estate matters, don’t miss NJICLE’s comprehensive Dec. 18 seminar on the most current laws, regulations,...
Become a More Self-Confident Litigator with the NJSBA
Ring in the new year with the NJSBA’s Women in the Profession Section on Jan. 14 as it presents a special seminar CLE seminar with some of the state's leading female attorneys on overcoming a lack of confidence. A holiday networking reception will follow the program....
NJICLE Seminar to Explore Cultural Considerations in Litigation
Join us Wednesday to discuss the challenges people of diverse cultural backgrounds face in the court system and how to ensure fairness at every stage of a case. A distinguished panel of public and private attorneys, including state Supreme Court Justice Michael...
Celebrate Holiday Cheer with the NJSBA
Make plans today to be part of the NJSBA's Dec. 12 holiday party to toast an exciting year of collaboration and advocacy to improve the legal profession. Don’t miss this special opportunity to mingle with colleagues and leadership from the NJSBA and around the legal...
Capitol Report: NJSBA’s Workers’ Comp Bill Gets Senate Labor Nod
Read this week’s Capitol Report for updates on an NJSBA-drafted bill in the state Legislature that would adjust compensation rates for board and lodging in workers’ compensation claims. The report also covers a bill that would remove provisions in the law requiring...
Stay Connected to Keep the Conversation Going with the NJSBA
Stay up-to-date on all the happenings with the New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey State Bar Foundation and New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education on social media. Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
NJLAP Newsletter Offers Well-Being Tips for the Holiday Season
Read the December issue of the New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program’s newsletter for advice on addiction recovery and abstinence, managing stress during the holidays and how “A Christmas Carol” relates to lawyers. The edition also offers wellness columns and...
Don’t Miss the Worker’s Compensation CLE Event of the Year on Dec. 11
NJICLE’s annual Workers’ Compensation Bench Bar Conference returns on Dec. 11 for the hottest topics to better represent your clients in 2025. Join an esteemed panel of judges and respected colleagues for a review of temporary partial disability, medical diagnoses for...
NJSBF Annual Art Show Exhibit Opens
On Tuesday, the New Jersey State Bar Foundation opened its 13th Annual Juried Art Show. View the works of 43 talented artists and poets from the law community in the Foundation’s online gallery or in person at the New Jersey Law Center throughout the month of...