Strategic Guide to the New Jersey Rules of Evidence (2019)

Bound handbook

Member Price: $140
Non-Member Price: $175

Authors Include:
John D. North, Esq.


About the Treatise:
NJICLE’s updated evidence treatise provides you with the tips and concrete strategies you need to confidently and effectively use the Rules of Evidence win the cases you represent. In it, author John North provides insight into key ways to work within the rules to achieve the results you want – and how they define the game and how it is played.

The fact that the Rules are now codified may make them seem invented. However, the principles behind the Rules have evolved over hundreds of years and through thousands of cases, as common law courts have struggled to separate what is genuine from what is false. As a result, the Rules can be used as a guide on how to present evidence in its best light, and how to show its limitations. This all new treatise will show you not only how the game is played, but also how it can be won.

This treatise belongs in every litigator’s briefcase. Buy it, read it and invest in your practice what you learn from it. You’ll give yourself a tactical advantage in the courtroom – and be glad that you did!



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Table of contents: click here


Member Price:
Non-Member Price: $175