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NJSBA President Jeralyn L. Lawrence Statement on Judiciary Clarification on In-Person and Virtual Court Proceedings

Oct. 27, 2022 
Contact: Thomas Nobile
Director of Communications
Tel: 732-937-7527
[email protected]
Statement from NJSBA President Jeralyn L. Lawrence 
The New Jersey State Bar Association applauds the Judiciary’s recent order that maintains a virtual component for many of its court proceedings, provides clarification of when in-person proceedings are anticipated, and gives judges discretion to appropriately address unique situations. The pandemic has taught us that the courts can function just as well, if not better, when parties have the flexibility of appearing in court virtually when circumstances allow. Having a virtual option increases access to justice, and saves attorneys, the court and the public valuable time and money. This also reinforces live proceedings for those situations where justice is best served in-person, such as trial and evidentiary hearings. 

Contact: NJSBA Communications Department
Tel: 732-937-7527
Email: [email protected]