Anatomy for Lawyers with Sam Hodge

Category: On Demand

Member Price: $236

Non-Member Price: $295

Product Code: ON085824

Areas of Law: Civil

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 7.2 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ Civil Trial Attorney Credit: 7.2, NJ General: 7.2).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 7.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 6.0
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.




Samuel D. Hodge, Jr.
Professor, Temple University

When you walk into a courtroom, a hearing room, a deposition, or even a client meeting, you are called upon to explain complex issues to people who find them unfamiliar. To explain clearly and effectively, you must first understand. When it comes to understanding the workings of the human body from the perspective of a successful trial lawyer, you will not find a better guide than Sam Hodge.

To efficiently, elegantly and effectively handle a back or knee injury case (by far the largest category of personal injury, workers’ comp and disability claims), or a shoulder injury case (accounting for the most time off from work), you need enhanced knowledge and skills. Hodge will be your effective guide on your journey through these systems so that you can gain a better understanding and better represent your clients. 

Hodge is a successful litigator who has benefitted from serious medical training. He is also an award-winning professor at Temple University and one of the most popular professional development speakers in the nation. 

In simple terms and with a sharp focus on the challenges you face in your law practice, Hodge will cover handling back, shoulder, knee and hand injury cases. The program will provide the essential tools needed to properly evaluate and articulate your case in a persuasive way to your client, opposing counsel, the judge and – if need be – the jury. 

Illustrated with vivid photos and detailed video, Anatomy for Lawyers will carefully and thoughtfully cover all of the details you need to know – including parts of the body most susceptible to injury and how those injuries most often occur. You’ll discover how diagnoses are made and learn the practical details of medical tests and surgical procedures from the unique perspective of a successful litigator. 

Your ability to evaluate cases and to prosecute or defend them will be immeasurably enhanced in one dynamic, entertaining and action-packed day. Discover why insurance companies, law firms, and government agencies consistently call on Hodge to diffuse the inherent mystery of medical cases. 

Program Agenda:

  • Part I 
    • Overview of Human Anatomy
      - Key terms for understanding medical reports
      - Difference between ligaments, tendons and muscles, as well as other key body parts such as joints and the central and peripheral nervous systems
    • The Back
      - Parts of the spine
      - Why the spine has four curves
      - Different parts of the vertebrae, discs and spinal cord
      - Which parts are more prone to injury

  • Break
  • Part II
    • The Back, Continued
      - Spinal cord and nerve roots
      - Back injuries
      - Spinal surgery – laminectomy, discectomy, fusion and foraminotomy
    • Diagnostic Tests for Back Injuries
      - Why physicians order X-Rays, CT Scans and MRI’s and the differences between the tests
  • Lunch
  • Part III
    • The Upper Extremity
      - The Shoulder
      - Elbow Problems
      - Hand Problems
  • Break
  • Part IV
    • The Knee and Hip
      - What bones and soft tissues make up the lower extremity
      - Differences between ligaments
      - Types of knee and hip surgery- repair and replacement
      - How trauma happens
      - Diagnostic tests
      - Capitalizing on diagnostic tests
  • Concluding Remarks – Question and Answer Segment - Adjournment