Appellate Advocacy 2022: Getting to the Appellate Division

Category: Materials

Member Price: $16

Non-Member Price: $20

Product Code: M070822

Areas of Law: Civil

CLE Credits




   - How do I optimally present a case to an appellate court?
   - What things do I need to include to insure I have submitted the best brief possible?
   - How do I prepare for a successful oral argument?
   - What are some of the common mistakes I want to be sure to avoid?

With this program, two Appellate Division judges, joined by a retired Appellate Division Judge, and Deputy Counsel of the Judiciary, and three private practitioners will answer these questions and more. Having collectively reviewed an enormous number of cases and rendered numerous decisions, the Hon. Arnold L. Natali Jr., JAD, the Hon. Hany Mawla, JAD, the Hon. Marie Lihotz, JAD (Ret.) will offer insight on how they are persuaded in the cases before them. The judges will provide positive, affirmative steps attorneys should take to ensure written briefs and oral arguments receive serious consideration.

In addition, Lisa Bigony, Esq., Deputy Counsel of the Clerk’s Office at the NJ Judiciary, will offer insight on procedures/E-Court filing and recent amendments to the Court Rules that pertain to appellate practice, while Sharon Balsamo, Esq., Kayla Rowe, Esq. and Andrew Turner, Esq. will offer the “in the trenches” practitioners’ perspective.

This program has been divided into two segments.  The first part of the program will address procedural concerns including the record below, filing the appeal, case information statement CASP, standards of review and making sure you have a good basis for appeal. The panel will also examine the rules governing appellate practice with a focus on recent changes.  The second part of the program will look at the appeal itself and what the court expects.

Purchase for an important discussion of:

  • Standard of review
    - How cases get assigned
    - What goes into review of cases

  • Court Rules governing appellate practice including a discussion of recent amendments to the Court Rules

  • Brief Writing- Working within the Rules
    - Establishing the goal of your brief
    - Point headings and the preliminary statement
    - Factual statement and procedural history

  • Preparation and review of amicus briefs

  • The Appendix

  • Oral Argument – Is it important or not?