Back to Basics: The Fundamentals for a Strong Worker’s Comp

Category: Materials

Member Price: $24

Non-Member Price: $30

Product Code: M093922

Areas of Law: Workers' Compensation

CLE Credits




This program will cover the key concepts and issues that arise in workers’ compensation cases. The panelists will discuss the issues from both the petitioner and respondent perspective to prepare practitioners on either side for success when they take on a workers’ compensation case. You will also receive a judicial perspective from a sitting Workers’ Compensation Judge. While the course will prepare young attorneys and those attorneys new to Workers’ Compensation to practice in this area of the law, experienced practitioners will also benefit from the program as it is a timely refresher course with a focus on new developments and recent changes to the practice.

Program Topics Include:

  • Workers’ Compensation benefits
  • Case defenses
  • Court practices and procedures
  • How to navigate the written and unwritten rules of Workers’ Compensation Court
  • Case preparation from intake to trial
  • Calculating the value of your case and settlement options
  • The top 10 most important Workers’ Compensation decisions relevant to today’s practice
  • And more!