Bullying, the Law and Your Clients – 2024 Update

Category: On Demand

Member Price: $236

Non-Member Price: $295

Product Code: ON102924

Areas of Law: For All Attorneys, School

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 5.7 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 5.7).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 5.5
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 4.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.



Dr. Stuart Green, DMH, LCW
Founder, NJ Coalition For Bullying Awareness & Prevention, Summit
a licensed clinical social worker and behavioral scientist, founded the New Jersey Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention (njbullying.org) in Summit, New Jersey, where he has volunteered as Director and sole front-line worker, answered the hotline and managed the organization’s website. He has also been Associate Director of the Overlook Family Medicine Residency Program, a training program for family physicians at Overlook Medical Center in Summit, New Jersey, where he has helped develop the Palliative Care Program, and has been a behavioral scientist at Atlantic Health System.
nDr. Green was Chair of the New Jersey Commission on Bullying in Schools, co-authored its report There Isn’t a Moment to Lose (2009) and presided over forums to help the legislature formulate laws and regulations to prevent and address bullying. He helped develop the state’s new Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, widely regarded as the strongest anti-bullying law in the United States. Dr. Green’s work as a clinician and medical director has included developing grant-funded educational and advocacy projects for children with Tourette Syndrome and adults with conditions including chronic pain, diabetes and breast cancer. He founded the Pathways Women’s Cancer Teaching Project, an organization which provides training for physicians and other health care professionals conducted by breast cancer survivors. He has served on the advisory boards of several organizations, including The Arc of NJ and the NJ School Age Child Care Coalition.
nThe recipient of the 2011 Social Worker of the Year Award bestowed by the New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Dr. Green has also been honored by the Union County Human Relations Commission, the New Jersey Child Assault Prevention Program and the American Cancer Society (Judy A. Morrow Humanitarian Award). He has lectured on bullying to schools and other organizations, and has served as an expert witness and legal consultant. Having served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, he is the author of medical publications including an article on a Tourette Syndrome educational project in Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal (2014) and book chapters.
nDr. Green is a graduate of City College of New York and received his MSW from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University. He received his M.A. in Psychology from Hunter College and his Doctorate in Medical Humanities from Drew University.


Michael F. Kaelber, Esq.
Coordinator of Continuing Legal Education and Research
LEGAL ONE, Woodbridge
is an educational law consultant and the Coordinator for Online Course Development for LEGAL ONE NJPSA/FEA in Monroe Township, New Jersey. He retired as Director of the New Jersey School Board Association (NJSBA) Legal and Labor Relations Services Department in Trenton, New Jersey, in 2017. A member of the NJSBA staff since March 1988, he previously served as an associate with the Woodbridge, New Jersey, law firm of Hutt, Berkow and Jankowski, and was a mathematics teacher in the Woodbridge Township School District from 1973 through 1986.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey, Mr. Kaelber is a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s School Law Committee and the New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), which named him to its Hall of Fame in 2011. He has served as staff liaison to several New Jersey School Board Association committees, has co-authored numerous NJSBA publications and has lectured on school law issues to the NJSBA and other educational and legal organizations. He is also the recipient of the New Jersey Association of School Attorneys Distinguished Service Award.
nMr. Kaelber received his A.B., magna cum laude, from Lafayette College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his M.S. in Statistics from Rutgers University and his J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law
Roberta A. Kaplan, Esq.
Kaplan Martin, LLP, New York
R. Armen McOmber, Esq.
McOmber, McOmber & Luber, PC, Red Bank
Andrew I. Meltzer, Esq.
Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler, Cranbury
is an associate with Sussan, Greenwald & Wesler in Cranbury, New Jersey, where he focuses his practice in special education law and helps special needs students achieve success in school and life.
nMr. Meltzer is admitted to practice in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. While clerking in the Education Section of the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, he built up a working knowledge of the special education legal framework and the practices at the Office of Administrative Law. He also prosecuted nearly twenty trials as a Certified Legal Intern for the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office.
nMr. Meltzer received his B.A. from the University of Delaware and his J.D. from Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law.
Karen Painter Randall, Esq.
Chair, Cybersecurity, Data Privacy and Incident Response Group
Connell Foley LLP, Roseland
is founder and Chair of the Cybersecurity, Data Privacy and Incident Response Group at Connell Foley LLP in Roseland, New Jersey. Formerly Certified as a Civil Trial Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, she represents clients in complex litigation, and regulatory compliance and defense matters involving cybersecurity, data protection and privacy, social media and professional liability; and provides counsel and advocacy in federal and state courts for both professionals and businesses across a broad range of industries.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court, Ms. Randall is a member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and serves as Co-Chair of its New Jersey KnowledgeNet chapter. She received three ABA presidential appointments to serve on the Cybersecuity Legal Task Force and the Standing Committee on Lawyer’s Professional Liability, and is the co-founder and Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Cybersecurity Legal Task Force. Ms. Randall has also served as Chair of the USLAW Network Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Group and co-chaired the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM) 2016 NYC Cyber Liability Summit, and the University of South Carolina School of Law selected her to serve as Director of the Cybersecurity Institute. A Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, she was appointed by Chief Justice Rabner to serve on the Board on Civil Trial Certification.
nMs. Randall was selected by Bloomberg BNA to serve as its New Jersey Contributing Editor on cyber and privacy issues for Bloomberg Law: Privacy & Data Security, focusing on the
nregulatory and compliance landscape of data protection laws in the U.S. and around the world. She has lectured for the American Bar Association, the AICPA and other professional organizations, and is the author and co-author of articles which have appeared in New Jersey Lawyer, USLAW Magazine and other publications. She is the recipient of several honors.
nMs. Randall received her B.A. and M.A. in Public Administration from the University of South Carolina and her J.D. from the University of South Carolina School of Law. She completed the Advanced Legal Management Program at Montclair University’s School of Business and clerked for the Honorable J. Emmet Cassidy, JSC.
Jeffrey R. Youngman, Esq.
Feitlin Youngman Karas & Gerson, LLC, Glen Rock

Dr. Stuart Green and his panel of top anti-bullying experts are back for an important new update on school bullying in 2024, with a look ahead to 2025.

This seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of school bullying. The panelists will examine current issues, including how developing technology has transformed and exacerbated the harm caused by bullying, how plaintiffs can best use the law in New Jersey’s legal landscape and how the law can be improved. The program will provide concrete, practical strategies for lawyers to work with schools in preventing and reducing bullying incidents. The panel will also look at the latest litigation tactics and offer a vital case law update. 

Don't miss it!

Program Agenda:

  • 8:30 | Registration and Breakfast
  • 9:00 | Introduction - Dr. Stuart Green, DMH, LCW
  • 9:15 | Update on Cases and Law - Michael Kaelber, Esq.
  • 10:00 | AI and Cyberbullying - Karen P. Randall, Esq.
  • 10:45| Break
  • 11:00 | The Lawrenceville Case - Roberta A. Kaplan, Esq.
  • 12:00 | Lunch
  • 12:45 | The Monroe Case – R. Armen McOmber, Esq.
  • 1:30 | HIB Investigations – Andrew I. Meltzer, Esq.
  • 2:15| Key Points for Successful Bullying Lawsuits - Jeffrey R. Youngman, Esq.
  • 3:00 | Q/A and Closing Comments