Child Support and Emancipation

Category: Materials

Member Price: $36

Non-Member Price: $45

Product Code: M130323

Areas of Law: Family

CLE Credits




In New Jersey, child support is determined by established guidelines. The guidelines do not apply to the very poor or the very wealthy. Receiving parents are often underwhelmed at the amount provided for in the guidelines. Many will seek to deviate from them because they believe the amounts provided are nowhere near what it costs to raise a child in New Jersey.

The issue of emancipation comes up when a parent who pays child support wants to stop making support payments for a child because the parent believes the child has become independent and no longer requires financial support.

This program explores how child support is calculated and how petitions for deviations, modifications, and requests for emancipation should be supported and litigated.

Hear an experienced panel examine common issues and problems family lawyers are likely to encounter in support matters.