CLE at the Cinemas: “Kramer v. Kramer”

Category: Materials

Member Price: $12

Non-Member Price: $15

Product Code: M128223

Areas of Law: Family

CLE Credits




Please watch the acclaimed movie “Kramer v. Kramer” on Prime Video or Paramount+ prior to this program to make the most of this informative, and entertaining program!

Ted Kramer is a career focused man who does not have much time for family. His wife takes on the primary responsibility of raising their five-and-a-half-year-old son, as a mother and a housewife. With Joanna feeling overburdened by her responsibilities, her mental health takes a toll, and she decides to leave her husband. Ted is now forced to learn the tasks of housekeeping, taking care of himself, and their young son Billy. When he finally learns his new responsibilities, and even begins to enjoy them, Joanna resurfaces, and they enter a heated custody battle over their young son.

Any divorce proceeding requires legal counsel to accurately draft documents, explain the legal process, inform clients of their legal rights and claims, and provide guidance through the process.

Purchase this program to view key clips from the movie and hear from this esteemed and dynamic panel on their take on messy divorces, heated custody battles and how to best give your client the representation they need.