Commercial Real Estate Transactions: Fist Bump to Closing

Category: Materials

Member Price: $32

Non-Member Price: $40

Product Code: M038922

Areas of Law: Real Estate

CLE Credits




To effectively handle commercial real estate transactions in New Jersey, you must be aware of a wide range of complex issues including environmental, financing, leasing, insurance, title, and land use due diligence, all of which will impact the outcome of a deal. Complex deals also require the ability to recognize when there is need to bring other professional specialists onto the team, such as corporate attorneys when structuring the entities of a transaction, and CPAs when you are dealing with analysis and structure of tax issues. Knowledge of these areas and the ability to anticipate problems and pitfalls are essential tools for transactional attorneys.

This definitive course on commercial real estate transactions in New Jersey will teach you how to craft and negotiate contracts and leases that protect your clients against untoward or excessive risk. You will also learn how to address and anticipate the problems arising from title, environmental, and financing issues, and find out how to focus your preparation so that you can draft and review all the necessary documents for a successful commercial closing.

In addition, the program features an ethics component which will alert you to situations that create and raise legal ethical issues in this line of practice.

This is a “must” program if you handle commercial real estate matters. It will be of special interest to attorneys who represent sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants in commercial matters, commercial real estate owners, developers, contractors, financial institutions, title search companies, insurance companies, and others seeking to hone their skills in this area.

Plus a Special luncheon presentation!