High Conflict Child Custody: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Category: Materials

Member Price: $20

Non-Member Price: $25

Product Code: MI060923

Areas of Law: Family

CLE Credits



Stephanie F. Hagan, Esq.
Hagan, Klein & Weisberg, LLC, Cedar Knolls


Hon. Jodi L. Rosenberg, J.S.C.
Superior Court Judge
Family Division, Essex County
Carmen M. Diaz, Esq.
Chair, Family Law Department
Goodgold West Diaz Bennett & Klein, LLC, Roseland
Jeffrey Fiorello, Esq.
Cohn Lifland Pearlman Herrmann & Knopf LLP, Saddle Brook
Dr. Mark Singer
West Essex Psychology Center, Livingston

What do child custody orders look like today? By consent or by court order, in today’s climate child custody orders contemplate more than equal physical custody. Practitioners and experts discuss the myriad factors that go into a child custody arrangement. When is coparenting therapy appropriate? How and when do you use a parenting coordinator? What do you do when the parents simply won’t agree? Discuss and explore the child custody dynamic when there is a psychological parent, when there is domestic violence, when there are child abuse and neglect allegations, when grandparents have rights, when working with substance use disorders, and more.  

This CLE explores the factors that go into making these decisions with the practitioners and experts who help identify them. Gain valuable practice tips to navigate the difficult emotional and legal maze of child custody.