Identifying and Handling Insurance Fraud Cases

Category: Materials

Member Price: $16

Non-Member Price: $20

Product Code: M059123

Areas of Law: Insurance

CLE Credits


Al Garcia, Esq.
, East Windsor


Anthony J. Golowski, II, Esq
Goldberg Segalla LLP, Princeton


John C. Grady, Esq.
Cockerill, Craig & Moore, LLC, Woodbury
Nicholas M. Insua, Esq.
Reed Smith LLP, Princeton
Jonathan C. Magpantay, Esq.
Marshall Dennehey, Mount Laurel
Sherilyn Pastor, Esq.
McCarter & English, LLP, Newark
Loren L. Pierce, Esq.
Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C., Florham Park

Insurance fraud is any act committed to defraud an insurance process. Fraud may occur in various forms – through a false application for insurance benefits, the submission of a false claim, failing to disclose a fact material to a claim or benefit, or wrongfully retaining an insurance benefit. Insurance fraud is directly responsible for increased costs of insurance that extends to and impacts people in all walks of life. The effects of fraud extend to, i.e., automobile, health care Medicaid, disabilities and workers’ compensation insurance. The ramifications in the legal world are tremendous.

With this brand new NJICLE program, our panel of insurance experts will begin by discussing fraud in the application process, fraud in the claims process, and then continuing with presentations that will explore ways to detect insurance fraud and offer tips for successfully litigating an insurance fraud matter.

The program will culminate with a lively conversation focused on ethical issues that arise in insurance fraud cases. Topics such as attorney client privilege and waiver; protecting confidentiality; and recognizing and dealing with fraudulent or potentially fraudulent claims will be discussed.

Purchase for a program bursting with valuable information for all insurance law attorneys.