Local Government Practice Roundtable

Category: On Demand

Member Price: $228

Non-Member Price: $285

Product Code: ON144324

Areas of Law: Local Government

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4.5 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 4.5).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 4.5
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 3.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.



Dominic P. DiYanni, Esq.
Eric M. Bernstein & Associates, Warren


F. Clifford Gibbons, Esq.
F.Clifford Gibbons, Attorney At Law, LLC, Princeton
is the owner and Managing Member of F. Clifford Gibbons, Attorney at Law, LLC in Princeton, New Jersey, and is Of Counsel to Dolan and Dolan, P.A. in Newton and Blairstown, New Jersey. He concentrates his practice in land use matters on behalf of municipal planning/zoning boards, developers, property owners and citizen organizations throughout New Jersey, and has been involved in several reported cases. He has been appointed by the New Jersey Superior Court as a Hearing Officer in affordable housing litigation.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court, Mr. Gibbons is Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Local Government Law Section, a Trustee of the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys and a member of the Mercer County, Sussex County and Princeton Bar Associations (and an Trustee emeritus of the latter) and the New Jersey Institute of Municipal Attorneys. He is Assistant Counsel to the New Jersey Planning Officials and Associate Counsel to the New Jersey League of Municipalities, for which he chairs the League’s Municipal Land Use Law Technical Review Committee. He is also General Counsel to the New Jersey Association of Planning and Zoning Administrators.
nAn adjunct instructor for Rutgers University, Mr. Gibbons is co-author of the New Jersey Casebook on Zoning, Planning and Land Use Law and was for many years co-author, with William M. Cox, of New Jersey Zoning and Land Use Administration (Gann Law Books). He has authored numerous articles on zoning, planning, legal ethics and other topics which have appeared in the New Jersey Lawyer, New Jersey Planner and the Municipal Law Review. Mr. Gibbons is the recipient of the American Jurisprudence Award in Banking Law and Regulation and a two-time recipient of the New Jersey Planning Officials’ Achievement in Planning Award. In 2018 he was the recipient of the William M. Cox Award bestowed by the New Jersey Institute of Local Government Attorneys, which recognizes an attorney or judge distinguished in land use law.
nMr. Gibbons received his A.B. from Colgate University and J.D. from Penn State University, Dickinson School of Law.
Glenn C. Kienz, Esq.
Weiner Law Group LLP, Parsippany
Nylema Nabbie, Esq.
McManimon, Scotland & Baumann, LLC, Roseland
is a Partner in Cleary, Giacobbe, Alfieri & Jacobs, LLC in Oakland, New Jersey, and has extensive land development experience on behalf of private and corporate clients on the local, county and state levels. She has substantial litigation experience, including challenges as to the constitutionality and validity of municipal zoning ordinances before the trial courts and Appellate Division of the State of New Jersey. She is responsible for complex commercial real estate transactions, as well as the representation of financial institutions and private individuals in commercial, construction and residential loan transactions; and for the preparation of public offering statements and registration of multi-family projects with the Department of Community Affairs.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, Ms. Nabbie is a former Director of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Land Use Section and a member of the Supreme Court Committee on Tax. She serves as Hillsdale Planning Board attorney, as co-counsel to the North Bergen Planning Board, as West New York Zoning Board of Adjustment Attorney and is former co-counsel to the Closter Zoning Board of Adjustment. She is a former member and Past Chair of the Teaneck Planning Board.
nMs. Nabbie received her undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Seton Hall University and her J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law.
Michael D. Witt, Esq.
General Counsel, Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, Newark

Presented in cooperation with the NJSBA Local Government Law Section

Local governments are small but complex. For local government attorneys to thrive, they must understand – the intricacies of how these institutions work, the forms of government, the jurisdictions of the different boards and how to persuade them, and the most impactful legal updates affecting the practice.

Join us for an interactive seminar that will raise your game when representing a client before a local government board. In a roundtable format, experienced practitioners will present a clear path for the attendees to better understand the entities, processes, laws and conflicts that are most commonly involved in a productive local government practice.

Topics include:

  • Forms of Local Government: Civics-400 for lawyers who need to know who has what power and where - Dominic P. DiYanni, Esq.
  • Governor signed legislation including local public contract laws: know the landscape and avoid the need to learn your field before you make an offer - Dominic P. DiYanni, Esq.
  • Preparedness and the professional responsibility for competence in planning board meetings - F. Clifford Gibbons, Esq.
  • OPRA updates - Michael D. Witt, Esq.
  • Developers agreements: What, when, how and why are they needed and why not? - Nylema Nabbie, Esq.
  • Dirty dirt: Dealing with polluted soils, cleanups and related transactions - Glenn C. Kienz, Esq.
  • EV charging stations: Parking availability limits vs. EV parking credits vs. cost to developers - Glenn C. Kienz, Esq.; F. Clifford Gibbons, Esq.
  • Whispering Woods mediated resolutions and presentment of settlements in administrative proceedings for approval - Full panel discussion