NJICLE Books: Book Description

New Jersey Employee Benefits Handbook (2011) Handbook and Forms CD

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Item Details:

New Jersey Employee Benefits Handbook

Protect Yourself & Your Clients By Enhancing Your Knowledge Of Employee Benefits

Written by: Stephen F. Herbes

(Click here for table of contents and authors.)


About The Program:

In today's workplace, it is essential to make sure both employers and employees fully understand employee benefits legislation as well as the full implications of the benefits they have in place.


This essential new publication will provide you with everything you need to handle employee benefits matters and employment law cases dealing with this complicated area of law that come your way, including:
• The various types of employee benefits that may be subject to ERISA
• Requirements that must be met to obtain tax-qualified status under the Code
• Descriptions of different employee benefit plans
• Discussion of situations in which one type of plan might be more suitable than another
• Explanation of the public benefits offered employees of the State of New Jersey
      ... and more!



You'll also find sample language and forms to help with drafting your own employee benefit plans, and a CD with forms.
In one convenient reference tool, you'll find everything you need to know about the substantive law, as well as a guide to the procedural aspects. The risks are high for those who are not informed. If you represent businesses of any size, this is a "must purchase" publication.



Table of Contents:
I. Overview
II. Selection and Design of the Employee Benefits Program
III. Employee Pension Benefit Plans
IV. Employee Welfare Benefit Plans
V. Preemption
VI. Public Benefits
Forms on CD




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