Sex Crimes in New Jersey

Understanding the Process and the Law (2010)

Bound handbook

Member Price: $79
Non-Member Price: $99

Authors Include:
Hon. Barnett E. Hoffman, PJSC (Ret.)
Alison Stanton Perrone, Esq.


About the Treatise:
Finally, a comprehensive book on the law of sex crimes. From his seat on the bench over the course of twenty years, retired Superior Court Judge Barnett E. Hoffman has presided over eighty serious sex crime trials. In this new book, you will receive the benefit of his experience as he offers practical trial advice to prosecutors, defense counsel and judges involved in sex crimes trials.

This wide ranging reference volume will provide you with a thorough, “lawyer-friendly” review of the law when dealing with this specialized litigation, such as:
• The jury selection process including suggested questions.
• The unique motion practice related to sex crimes litigation.
• The special definitions under the statute such as “force”, “consent”, “penetration”, “contact” and others.
• How to deal with victims of sex crimes including children.
• Megan’s Law, Parole Supervision for Life, The Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center.

Regardless of how many trials you may have handled, sex crimes cases are very different. The advice and information that Judge Hoffman and Alison Perrone share with you in this book will give you the confidence you need to win your case.

This perfect bound book is your ideal co-counsel; small enough to bring with you to court, and comprehensive enough to have the answers to your legal and practical questions.




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Table of contents: click here


Member Price:
Non-Member Price: $99