The 2023 Jeffrey P. Weinstein Family Law Summer Institute

Category: Materials

Member Price: $52

Non-Member Price: $65

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Areas of Law: Ethics, Family

CLE Credits



Mark H. Sobel, Esq.
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP, Roseland
Certified as a Matrimonial Law Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, is Co-Managing Partner of Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP in Short Hills, New Jersey, where he is also Chair of the Family Law Practice Group. He concentrates his practice in litigation, primarily in family law matters.
nMr. Sobel is Past Chair of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section and has served as Chair of the Alimony and Child Support Sub-Committee. He has been a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on General Practices and Procedures and the Supreme Court’s Special Committee to Revise Matrimonial Law. He was also a member of the Essex County Bar Association Judicial Appointments Committee and for two years ran the Early Settlement Program for mediation of Family Court matters in Essex County.
nMr. Sobel is Editor in Chief Emeritus of the New Jersey Family Lawyer and has lectured on legal topics for ICLE and the New Jersey State Bar Association and its annual convention. He is the author of several articles on family law topics and in 2009 received the Tischler Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section.
nMr. Sobel received his B.A., with distinction, from George Washington University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Alpha and Phi Eta Sigma. He received his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a member of the Moot Court Board.


Hon. Richard C. Camp
Lum Drasco & Positan, Roseland
is Of Counsel to Lum, Drasco & Positan LLC in Roseland, New Jersey, where he concentrates his practice in mediation and arbitration, complex case management, special master matters and settlement conferences in family, chancery and civil law. Prior to his appointment he worked in private practice for twenty years, concentrating in family and civil litigation as well as commercial zoning (having represented RICOH Company, Shoprite and Deluxe Check Printers, among others). Judge Camp also served as a Municipal Court Prosecutor for the Township of Verona and in 1992 was sworn in as an Essex County Superior Court Judge. While he served in the Criminal Division, most of his time was devoted to the Family Division, and he was also the disqualifying judge for Chancery and frequently handled both Chancery and Civil settlements.
nJudge Camp has been highly involved with the Bench and Bar, working closely with the Administrative Office of the Courts on the Judicial Committees on Salary and Pensions and the Judicial Code of Conduct. He is a member of the New Jersey State and Essex County Bar Associations, the American Trial Lawyers Association and the American Judicature Society. He was elected a Fellow of The American Bar Association and was recently selected as one of the 36 New Jersey Members to the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals.
nJudge Camp has lectured extensively at the Northern New Jersey American Inns of Court and at his alma mater, Seton Hall Law School. He has also lectured on numerous panels for state and county bar seminars, as well as family law retreats.
nJudge Camp received his B.A. from Colgate University and his J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law.
Hon. Michael R. Casale
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis, Roseland
is Of Counsel to Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP with offices in Roseland and Iselin, New Jersey, where he concentrates his practice in alternate dispute resolution of family law and complex civil and commercial cases. Appointed to the bench in 1996, he formerly served in the Criminal, Civil and Family Divisions in the Essex Vicinage, including time served as Acting Presiding Judge in the Criminal and Family Divisions.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Casale previously served as Assistant Township Attorney and Councilman for the Township of Bloomfield. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section, the NJSBA Cannabis Law Special Committee and the Essex County Bar Association.
nJudge Casale has lectured for ICLE, the New Jersey State Bar Association and other organizations. He is a member of the Barry Croland Family Law and Brennan-Vanderbilt American Inns of Court and has been quoted in The New York Times.
nJudge Casale received his B.A., cum laude, from the University of Connecticut and his J.D., magna cum laude, from Seton Hall University School of Law, where he was the recipient of the Peter J. Rodino Award. He was Law Clerk to the Honorable Nicholas J. Scalera.
Hon. Lisa F. Chrystal, PJFP (Ret.)
Brach Eichler LLC, Roseland
is counsel to Brach Eichler, LLC in Roseland, New Jersey, where she concentrates her practice in alternative dispute resolution, mediation and arbitration, and discovery management. She is a former Presiding Judge, Family Division, Union County, and sat in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Appointed to the bench in 2000 by Governor Christine Todd Whitman, she also sat in the Civil Division.
nPrior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Chrystal maintained a solo litigation practice in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. She also served as Assistant Union County Counsel and was a civil litigator for two law firms before opening her own office. Judge Chrystal served on the Supreme Court Model Jury Charge Committee and is a former Co-Chair of the Union County Minority Concerns Committee. A former Trustee of the Union County Bar Association, she is a member of the Supreme Court Committee on Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement, and the Supreme Court Family Practice Committee, where she serves on the FM/FD Subcommittee. Judge Chrystal is a member of the New Jersey State and Union County Bar Associations, and serves on the Executive Committee of the NJSBA Family Law Section. She has also served on the Family Subcommittee on Mentoring of New Judges.
nA former Master of the Richard J. Hughes American Inn of Court, Judge Chrystal is a member of the Barry I. Croland American Inn of Court and The Justice Virginia Long Hudson County American Inn of Court. She has trained newly-appointed judges and those transferring to the Family Division in the Comprehensive Judicial Orientation Program (C.J.O.P.) and co-authored the judges’ “Dissolution Manual.” Judge Chrystal has taught CLE classes for the Union County Bar Association and Ethics for Trial Attorneys for ICLE, and was an Adjunct Legal Writing Instructor at Seton Hall Law School. In 2022 she was the recipient of the prestigious William J. McCloud Award bestowed by the Union County Bar Association, which recognizes significant contributions to the administration of justice in the Family Part.
nJudge Chrystal is a graduate of Syracuse University and a cum laude graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law.
Hon. Robert A. Fall
served as a Superior Court Judge, Appellate Division, in Red Bank, New Jersey, prior to his retirement. He also served as Presiding Judge of the Family Part, Ocean County, had been a trial judge since 1986 and resides in Point Pleasant, New Jersey.
nJudge Fall has served on the Supreme Court Family Practice Committee, the Supreme Court Committee on Education and the Supreme Court Domestic Violence Working Group, and was an ad hoc faculty member of the National Judicial College and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Past Chair of the Supreme Court Judicial Education Committee, he is Chair of the Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on Attorney Malpractice Insurance and serves on the Judicial Performance Commission. He has been a presenter for ICLE during the Summer Family Law Institute, the Family Law Clerk Boot Camp and the Skills and Methods Course on topics which include the child support guidelines, UIFSA and the Family Law “Hot Tips” seminars.
nJudge Fall is an honors graduate of Monmouth College and an honors graduate of the University of Miami School of Law.
Hon. Lisa A. Firko
is a Superior Court Judge assigned to the Appellate Division and sits in Newark, New Jersey. Appointed to the Bench in June of 2008, Judge Firko originally served in the Civil Division, Bergen County, and was subsequently assigned to the Chancery Division, Family Part, until 2013, when she was reassigned to the Civil Division. She has handled matters involving domestic violence, dissolution, non-dissolution and child support enforcement.
nJudge Firko is Co-Chair of the Family Practice Committee and of the Non-Dissolution/Domestic Violence Subcommittee. She is a member of the American, New Jersey State and Bergen County Bar Associations, and a former member of the Supreme Court Committee on Women in the Courts. Prior to her appointment to the bench Judge Firko was a Partner in Lum, Drasco & Positan for more than 20 years, where she handled a variety of civil and family matters. She has lectured for ICLE, ATLA-NJ and other organizations.
nJudge Firko received her B.A., magna cum laude, from Seton Hall University, where she was elected to Pi Sigma Alpha, and her J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law. She was Law Clerk to the Honorable Burrell Ives Humphreys, Assignment Judge, Superior Court, Hudson County.
Hon. Bonnie J. Mizdol (Ret.)
Ferro Labella & Weiss LLC, Hackensack
of the firm Ferro Labella & Weiss, L.L.C. in Hackensack, New Jersey, focuses in mediation and arbitration, and was formerly the Assignment Judge of Bergen County and sat in Hackensack, New Jersey. She was also Presiding Judge, Family Part, Bergen County, from 2008-2015, and was in private practice for 24 years prior to her appointment to the Superior Court in 2006.
nPrior to her appointment to the Superior Court bench, Judge Mizdol served as a municipal court judge for 15 years. She was President of the Bergen County Municipal Judges Association and the Bergen County Bar Foundation, Chair of the District IIA Ethics Committee and Co-Chair of the Bergen County Family Law Committee, and has been a member of the Bergen County Family Law Executive Committee. Judge Mizdol is Past Chair of the Supreme Court Family Practice Committee, the Conference of New Jersey Family Part Judges and the Ad Hoc Committee on Arbitration of Family Part Matters. She has been Chair of the Supreme Court Judiciary-Surrogates Liaison Committee and the Post-Pandemic Committee on Resuming Jury Trials, and a member of the Statewide Committee on Court Security. The New Jersey Designated Representative for the International Hague Network of Judges from 2017 through her retirement, she has served on the Judicial Council and the faculty of the Judicial College, and has taught for the Management Skills Training program for Presiding Judges and the New Judges’ Orientation Program (CJOP).
nJudge Mizdol received her B.A. from Montclair State College and her J.D. from Seton Hall Law School.
Hon. Andrea J. Sullivan, J.S.C.
Middlesex Family Courhouse, New Brunswick
appointed to the bench by Governor Murphy, sits in Family Part, Middlesex County, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She was formerly a Partner in the Litigation and Family Law Departments of Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, where her practice included commercial litigation, estate litigation, matrimonial litigation, chancery litigation and alternative dispute resolution; and she also represented professionals in actions from professional malfeasance to claims of fraud, and in cases of alleged professional malpractice.
nA Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of American, Judge Sullivan is Past President of the Middlesex County Bar Association and has been Chair of the Women Lawyers Section and several of the Association’s committees. She was a member of the Board of Trustees of the New Jersey State Bar Association, a former Trustee of the Women in the Profession Section and a former member and Vice Chair of the Equity Jurisprudence Committee. Past President of the Middlesex County Bar Foundation, Judge Sullivan has been Chair of the Foundation’s Finance Committee and a member of the Scholarship Committee, and has served on the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. She has also been a member of Executive Women of New Jersey, served on the Supreme Court Committee on the Rules of Evidence and is Past President of Central Jersey Legal Services.
nJudge Sullivan has lectured for ICLE and the New Jersey State and Middlesex County Bar Associations, and authored New Jersey Business Litigation (New Jersey Law Journal Books, 2012-2022 Editions) and Guidebook to Chancery Practice in New Jersey (ICLE, 10th Edition, 2018). She is the recipient of the 2010 Robert J. Cirafasi Chancery Practice Award bestowed by the Middlesex County Bar Association as well as several other honors.
nJudge Sullivan received her A.B., cum laude, from Mount Holyoke College and her J.D., magna cum laude, from Rutgers University School of Law-Newark, where she was a member of the Order of the Coif and the recipient of an Alumni Senior Prize. She was Law Clerk to the Honorable Eriminie Lane Conley, Chancery Division, General Equity Part, Superior Court of New Jersey.
Hon. Marcella A. Wilson
Superior Court of NJ
was appointed to the Superior Court in 2014, is assigned to the Family Division, Essex County, and sits in Newark, New Jersey. She serves as the Lead Judge for the FM Unit in Essex County. Prior to being appointed to the bench, she was a solo practitioner for 20 years and concentrated her practice in family law.
nCo-Chair of the Supreme Court Child Support Subcommittee, Judge Wilson serves on the Supreme Court Family Practice Committee and Presiding Judge FD-FM Committee. Prior to being appointed to the bench, she was a member of the Essex County Family Law Executive Committee, a volunteer for the Early Settlement Panel and was a court approved Mediator. She was the recipient of the Essex County Prosecutor’s Award for her outstanding contributions to crime victims and their families.
nJudge Wilson received her B.S. from Caldwell University and her J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law. She clerked for the Honorable John J. Dois and the Honorable Joseph A. Falcone.
Hon. Thomas P. Zampino
Sarno Da Costa D'Aniello Maceri LLC., Roseland
is Of Counsel to Snyder Sarno D’Aniello Maceri & da Costa LLC with offices in Roseland, Bridgewater, Hackensack and Morristown, New Jersey, and limits his practice to the mediation and arbitration of matrimonial cases by referral or appointment by the court. He served as a Judge of the Superior Court, Family Part, for more than two decades, where he settled or decided thousands of divorce cases, and for a time also served as Presiding Judge of the Family Court.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, and before the United States Supreme Court, Judge Zampino is a Trustee of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges and has co-chaired the Council’s Permanency Planning for Children Committee. As an attorney, he is Past Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section and the New Jersey Child Support Commission, as well as a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court Family Practice Committee. A member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), he has lectured for ICLE and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and is the author of articles which have appeared in New Jersey Lawyer and New Jersey Family Lawyer.
nJudge Zampino is a graduate of St. Peter’s College and Seton Hall University School of Law.
Jason Addesso
David Landau & Associates, LLC, Tinton Falls
is a Managing Director in the Forensics, Valuation & Litigation Support practice at DLA Litigation Services, LLC in Shrewsbury and Fairfield, New Jersey. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of matrimonial litigation and business valuation engagements, tax consultation and commercial litigation matters. Mr. Addesso has 15 years of business advisory expertise including matrimonial and commercial litigation support, forensic accounting, business valuation, and tax consultation for estate, gift, and income tax purposes. He also advises on specific and complex tax issues arising from marital dissolution and his industry experience includes companies in the manufacturing, distribution, financial, real estate, healthcare, service and retail sectors.
nPrior to joining DLA, Mr. Addesso was a Manager in the Advisory Services division of a large regional accounting firm and has prior experience in the tax department for a national accounting firm. He has been a panel speaker and lectured on topics such as business valuation and matrimonial accounting and holds the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) designation.
nMr. Addesso received his B.S. from Monmouth University.
Justice Barry T. Albin
Lowenstein Sandler, LLP, Roseland
was an Associate Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court for 20 years and is a Partner in the Litigation Group of Lowenstein Sandler LLP in Roseland, New Jersey, and Chair of the firm’s Appellate Practice. In addition to his trial and appellate practices, he serves as a neutral arbitrator, special master and mediator in complicated, high-stakes disputes. Justice Albin offers a unique perspective gained over 40 years in the practice of law as a prosecutor, defense attorney, civil litigator and as a Justice of the state’s highest court. As Associate Justice, he authored more than 400 opinions, including more than 230 majority opinions, more than 130 dissents and dozens of concurrences on issues spanning the wide spectrum of the law. He has written on topics including civil rights, criminal law, insurance, employment discrimination, contracts, taxes, municipal government, elections, products liability and mass toxic torts.
nJustice Albin is admitted to practice in New Jersey. Prior to his appointment to the high court, he practiced in the public and private sectors, trying approximately 60 jury trials and numerous non-jury cases, and arguing numerous appeals. Justice Albin began his career as a Deputy Attorney General in the Appellate Section of the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, and then served as an Assistant Prosecutor in Passaic and Middlesex Counties before entering private practice and ascending to the bench of New Jersey’s court of last resort. He is the recipient of several honors, including the Eugene D. Serpentelli Award bestowed by the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section and the Lawrence A. Whipple Memorial Award from the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey.
nJustice Albin received his B.A. from Rutgers University and his J.D. from Cornell University Law School.
A. Jude Avelino, Esq.
Avelino Law, LLP, Morristown
is Managing Partner of Avelino Law, LLP in Summit, New Jersey, where he is the leader of the firm’s Estate Planning and Corporate Departments. His experience in these areas has led to a diversified client base ranging from closely-held businesses to individuals and families and a diverse blend of charitable organizations. He has particular skill and experience in navigating complex wealth retention issues in the context of estate planning, corporate and tax matters.
nAdmitted to practice in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, Mr. Avelino is a member of the New York City and Northern New Jersey Estate Planning Councils, the Downtowners Association and the Summit Bar Association. He was Chair of the Board of Trustees of Overlook Hospital and formerly served on the Board of Trustees of Gilda’s Club, a charity developed in honor of the late comedienne Gilda Radner which assists cancer survivors and their families. He has been honored by Trial Lawyers Care for his pro bono work representing clients injured in the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
nMr. Avelino received his B.A. from Fordham University, his J.D. from Brooklyn Law School, and his LL.M. and Certificate in Estate Planning from Georgetown University Law Center.
Derek M. Freed, Esq.
Ulrichsen Rosen & Freed LLC, Pennington
is the Managing Partner of Ulrichsen Rosen & Freed LLC in Pennington, New Jersey. He concentrates his practice in matrimonial and family law.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey, Mr. Freed is Past Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section and was a co-author of the Association’s amicus curiae brief to the New Jersey Supreme Court on the matters of Gnall v. Gnall and Bisbing v Bisbing. He is a Matrimonial Early Settlement Panelist in Mercer and Somerset Counties.
nThe recipient of the New Jersey State Bar Association Distinguished Legislative Service Award in 2023, Mr. Freed serves as an Associate Managing Editor of the New Jersey Family Lawyer and his articles have appeared in the magazine. He has lectured on family law matters for ICLE, the New Jersey State and Mercer County Bar Associations, and the New Jersey Association for Justice.
nMr. Freed received his B.A. from the College of William and Mary and his J.D., with honors, from Rutgers School of Law-Camden.
Tanya L. Freeman, Esq.
Offit Kurman
is a Principal at Offit Kurman with offices in East Hanover and Hackensack, New Jersey, where she provides legal representation in all aspects of family law, including divorce, child and spousal support, child custody, interstate custody and relocation disputes, and domestic violence matters as well as personal injury and municipal court matters. Prior to practicing law, she spent fifteen years in banking and insurance in a variety of capacities directing operational audit teams. With a background as a professional auditor, Ms. Freeman has effectively represented clients with high-net-worth cases involving significant assets as well as cases concerning owners of closely-held businesses. She has represented clients in cases involving professional athletes, television personalities and other high-profile celebrities, and has been a Qualified Family Law and Civil Mediator pursuant to Rule 1:40.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Ms. Freeman has been a member of the National and Garden State Bar Associations, the Family Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association and the Hudson County Bar Association’s Family Law Committee, and has served as Vice Chair of the District VB Fee Arbitration Committee. She is a Fellow of the American Bar Association and has been a member of the Hudson County Vicinage Minority Concerns Committee and Chair of the Hudson County Vicinage Juvenile Justice/Family Court Subcommittee, and was appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of University Hospital in Newark.
nMs. Freeman has lectured for ICLE and the New Jersey State Bar Association, and is the author of “Ten Things to Consider Before You Say ‘I Do’” (Union County Women’s Journal, April 2014). She was named Family Lawyer of the Year by the Hudson County Bar Association and is the recipient of several other honors.
nMs. Freeman received her B.A., cum laude, from Caldwell College and her J.D., cum laude, from Touro Law School, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center. During law school she served as a judicial intern to the Honorable William D. Wall, United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, and to the Honorable Michelle Hollar-Gregory, Essex County Superior Court.
Debra E. Guston, Esq.
Guston & Guston, LLP, Glen Rock
is a Partner in Guston & Guston, L.L.P. in Glen Rock, New Jersey. She concentrates her practice in family formation through adoption and assisted reproduction, and family protection through estate planning, estate litigation administration and guardianship for elders and special needs children. She also represents non-profit organizations in formation and governance issues.
nA Fellow of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys and the American Academy of Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys, Ms. Guston is Past President of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, serves as the Academy’s Adoption Director, and is a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Family Law Executive Committee, for which she has served as Chair of the Adoption and Reproductive Rights Subcommittee. She has served as President of the Board of Trustees of ACLU-NJ, where she has been Chair of the Nominating Committee, and has been a member of the Legal Professional Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Ms. Guston is Past President of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Greater New York, a former Regional Board member and Board Secretary of the National Gay and Lesbian Bar Association, and has been a member of the National LGBT Association’s Family Law Institute. Past Chair of the NJSBA LGBT Rights Section, she has also been a member of the American, Bergen County and Passaic County Bar Associations and Women Lawyers in Bergen County. Ms. Guston has served as New Jersey local counsel for Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and worked on legislative issues involving the New Jersey Gestational Carrier Act, which was signed into law in 2018. She is a member of the Legal Professional Group of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine and a volunteer advocate for RESOLVE, the National Fertility Association. She has been appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court to the Family Practice Committee, which evaluates rule changes and other issues for referral to the high court, and has also been appointed to the Advisory Committee on Access and Fairness, and Judiciary Working Group on Pro Bono Assignments.
nA lecturer at Rutgers School of Law, Ms. Guston is a contributing editor to West Group’s Sexual Orientation and the Law and author of a portion of the Family Court Rules in LexisNexis’s New Jersey Court Rules Annotated 2008-2009. She is a frequent lecturer for community and professional groups, and has been an Associate Managing Editor of the New Jersey Lawyer. A CCAI Angel in Adoption recipient in 2017, she is the recipient of several other honors, including ICLE’s Distinguished Service Award, the E. Nathaniel Gates Award from the Cardozo School of Law, the Leading Practitioner Award bestowed by the National LGBT Bar Association and the Saul Tischler Award, the highest honor bestowed by the NJSBA Family Law Section for her work on behalf of families and service to the Bar.
nMs. Guston received her undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Mount Holyoke College, her M.A. from Emerson College and her J.D. from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.
Mathias R. Hagovsky, Ph.D.
Mathias R. Hagovsky, Ph.D., Livingston
is a psychologist in Livingston, New Jersey, and has worked with infants, children and adolescents for more than 30 years in a variety of evaluation and treatment capacities in schools, hospitals and private office settings. As a forensic psychologist, Dr. Hagovsky has provided evaluative information to the courts and other referral agents in more than 2,200 matters and/or has testified in approximately 400 family, civil or criminal matters, many of which directly or indirectly relate to allegations of sexual abuse of children, parental alienation and/or domestic violence. He has been court appointed in 11 New Jersey counties to conduct evaluations and to provide alternative dispute resolution, and has also served as a Parent Coordinator for many years. He has also been a staff member in the Department of Psychology and Pediatric Specialty Consultant to the High Risk Clinic at Saint Barnabas Medical Center.
nA licensed Psychologist in New Jersey and Certified New Jersey School Psychologist since 1971, Dr. Hagovsky is a member and Past President of the New Jersey Psychological Association as well as a member of several divisions of the American Psychological Association. He is a member of the American Board of Forensic Examiners and the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Family Conciliation Courts, and has been listed in the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, the National Registry of Forensic Examiners and the Best Lawyers in America’s Directory of Experts. A Fellow of the American Board of Forensic Examiners, he is a Diplomate, American Board of Psychological Specialties-Child Custody Evaluations.
nDr. Hagovsky is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and a former Clinical Instructor at Children’s Hospital of New Jersey. A regular presenter for ICLE and at the Annual Judicial College Conferences, he has also lectured to teachers, parents’ groups, and religious and civic organizations. His articles have appeared in New Jersey Psychologist, Pediatric Research and other publications.
nDr. Hagovsky received his B.A. from Benedictine College, his M.A. in School Psychology from Seton Hall University and his Ph.D. in School Psychology from Fordham University. After a Summer Externship at Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital, he did a Clinical Internship in association with the New Jersey State Junior Fellowship Program in Clinical Psychology at the New Jersey
nNeuropsychiatric Institute.
Robert B. Hille, Esq.
Past President, NJSBA
Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis, Roseland
Certified as a Civil Trial Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, is a Partner in Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP in Morristown, New Jersey. He concentrates his practice in insurance and healthcare law and has litigated a number of insurance defense and coverage, healthcare, professional liability defense, fraud and abuse, and regulatory matters. He has also been involved in a number of reported decisions.
nMr. Hille is admitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. Past President of the Bergen County Bar Association, he is Past President of the New Jersey State Bar Association, where he has chaired the Insurance Benefit and Amicus Committees, continues to serve on those committees and is a member of the Malpractice Insurance Committee and the Health and Hospital Law Section. He has been a member of the Health and Tort Law Sections of the American Bar Association as well as the New Jersey Supreme Court Civil Practice Committee.
nMr. Hille has lectured widely on insurance and healthcare law topics. His articles have appeared in the New Jersey Law Journal and other publications, and he is the recipient of several honors.
nMr. Hille received his B.A. from Bucknell University and his J.D. from Seton Hall Law School. He served a judicial clerkship with the Honorable Keven M. O’Halloran.
Ilan Hirschfeld
Marcum LLP, Neptune
is a licensed Certified Public Accountant and the Partner-in-Charge of the New Jersey Region of Marcum LLP, with offices in Saddle Brook, New Jersey. He specializes in business valuations, litigation support and matrimonial accounting within the firm’s forensic accounting group. He holds certifications to practice accountancy in New Jersey and New York; is Accredited in Business Valuations (ABV) by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; and also holds the Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) designation.
nMr. Hirschfeld is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the New Jersey and New York Societies of Certified Public Accountants. He is Past Chair of the New Jersey State Society of Certified Public Accountants’ Valuations Interest Group, has been a member of the Society’s Matrimonial and Litigation Support Services Committees, and served on the Litigation Support Committee of the New Jersey State Society of Certified Public Accountants.
nA former Adjunct Professor of Accounting in the Graduate School of Business at William Paterson University, Mr. Hirschfeld frequently lectures on litigation support accounting, business valuation and accounting for divorce for ICLE, the AAML, the New Jersey Judicial College, the New Jersey State Bar Association and other organizations. He is the co-author of “Business Solutions: Cost Cutting Opportunities & Caveats” (New Jersey Business Magazine, Nov. 6, 2013).
nMr. Hirschfeld received his Bachelor of Commerce degree from Sir George Williams University and his M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Western Ontario.
Phyllis S. Klein, Esq.
Hagan, Klein & Weisberg, LLC, Morristown
is a founding Member of Donahue, Hagan, Klein & Weisberg, LLC in Morristown, New Jersey. She limits her practice to family law matters and focuses in alternative dispute resolution, primarily mediation and parent coordination. She has also been involved in several reported decisions.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut, Ms. Klein is a Court-Approved Mediator and a member of the Family Law Sections of the New Jersey State, Essex County and Morris County Bar Associations, as well as the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators (NJAPM). She is former Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the ECBA Family Law Section, a former member of the District VB Ethics Committee and a former member and Chair of the District VC Fee Arbitration Committee.
nA member of the Justice Garibaldi American Inn of Court, Ms. Klein is a member and Past President of the Barry I. Croland Family Law American Inn of Court and has lectured for ICLE, the American Trial Lawyers Association and several bar associations and family law American Inns of Court. She is a contributing author to the custody chapter of New Jersey Family Law Practice and was the 2003 recipient of the Essex County Bar Association Family Law Section’s Family Law Achievement Award and several other honors.
nMs. Klein received her B.A.A.S. from the University of Delaware and her J.D. from New YorkLaw School. She was Law Clerk to the Honorable Carmen A. Ferrante, J.S.C.
Sandra R. Klevan
Financial Research Associates, Bala Cynwyd
is a Managing Director of Financial Research Associates (FRA), a business valuation and forensic accounting firm that specializes in litigation support, with a focus in marital dissolution, with offices in Edison, New Jersey; Bala Cynwyd, PA; and New York City. Qualified as an expert in business valuation and forensic accounting in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington State, she has been employed in the accounting and finance professions since 1986 and has been involved in business valuation, litigation support and forensic accounting since 1991.
nMs. Klevan began her career on the audit staff of the company then known as Price Waterhouse. She is a member of the Financial and Valuation Services Section of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), has served on its Family Law Task Force and holds the Institute’s Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) designations. She is also a member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Foundation. She served as an adjunct instructor in Finance at Saint Joseph’s and La Salle Universities, and has lectured and written on business valuation and forensic accounting topics for organizations including ICLE, the American Bar Association, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), the American Society of Appraisers, the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the AICPA.
nMs. Klevan received her B.S. and M.B.A., with a concentration in Finance, from Saint Joseph’s University.
Jeralyn L. Lawrence, Esq.
Past President, NJSBA
Lawrence Law, LLC, Watchung
Certified as a Matrimonial Law Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, is the Managing Member and founder of Lawrence Law in Watchung, New Jersey. She practices in all areas of matrimonial and family law including divorce litigation, mediation and arbitration, custody and parenting time issues, alimony and child support, separation and property settlement agreements, adoption and guardianship advice, domestic partnership matters under the Domestic Partnership Act, domestic violence and sexual abuse, and palimony. She is also a trained collaborative lawyer and divorce mediator, and has argued before the New Jersey Supreme Court on behalf of the New Jersey State Bar Association and the New Jersey chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
nA Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), Ms. Lawrence is President of the Academy’s New Jersey Chapter and has been certified by the AAML as a Family Law Arbitrator. She is also a volunteer attorney with the New Jersey State Bar Military Legal Assistance Program, which provides pro bono legal assistance to New Jersey residents who have served overseas or in active duty of the armed forces after September 11, 2001. Past President of the New Jersey State Bar Association, she is Past Chair of the NJSBA Family Law Section, has served as a Trustee of the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and is Past President of the Somerset County Bar Association. Ms. Lawrence has served on the District XIII Attorney Ethics Committee and has been a member of the New Jersey Association for Justice, the New Jersey Women Lawyers Association, the New Jersey Collaborative Law Group, the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators (NJAPM) and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. A Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, she was appointed to the Somerset County Domestic Violence Working Group as a Representative of the Somerset County Family Law Section and has also been a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and the American Bar Association. She serves on the Matrimonial Certification Committee that oversees the statewide matrimonial attorney certification process and has been an attorney volunteer at Safe+Sound Somerset.
nMs. Lawrence is a frequent lecturer at divorce and family law programs and has been a senior editor of the New Jersey Family Lawyer. She is a graduate of the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) and a member and Barrister of the Central New Jersey American Inns of Court. Ms. Lawrence is a recipient of the Young Lawyers Division Professional Achievement Award, the Carol Murphy Award bestowed by the Women’s Political Caucus of New Jersey, and is a 3-time recipient of the Annual Legislative Recognition Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association. She is also the recipient of the 2008 Outstanding Woman in Somerset County from the Somerset County Commission on the Status of Women, the 2009 Kean University Distinguished Alumna award and the Saul Tischler Award from the NJSBA Family Law Section in 2023.
nMs. Lawrence received her B.A. from Kean University and her J.D., summa cum laude, from Seton Hall University School of Law. While in law school, she was awarded the New Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers’ Award in addition to serving as the Student Director of the Family Law Clinic.
Frank A. Louis, Esq.
Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP, Red Bank
is a Partner in Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP in Toms River, New Jersey. A substantial portion of his practice involves the mediation of complex matrimonial matters, and he generally represents individuals in Ocean and Monmouth Counties who are involved in complicated equitable distribution cases with a view towards negotiating resolutions.
nMr. Louis served as Chair of the Family Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association and as President of the Ocean County Bar Association, where he also chaired the local Family Law Committee for several years. A Diplomate Member of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers, he also serves as an Emeritus member of the Executive Committee of the NJSBA Family Law Section and a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML). Mr. Louis was selected by Governor Florio as the NJSBA’s representative to the New Jersey Commission to Study the Law of Divorce. He was a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court Family Part Practice Committee from its inception through 2011 and has served on a number of Supreme Court Committees, including the Special Committee on Matrimonial Litigation and the Economic Consequences of Dissolution Committee.
nThe 2006 recipient of the Alfred C. Clapp Award bestowed by ICLE for Excellence in Continuing Legal Education, Mr. Louis has also received the Tischler Award from the Family Law Section of the NJSBA and the Young Lawyer Award from the Ocean County Bar Association. He has lectured extensively for attorney and CPA groups, and has authored more than 50 articles, a number of which have been cited by courts in New Jersey in reported and unreported opinions. He organized and moderated ICLE’s Family Law Symposium from 1996-2013 and is the author of New Jersey Family Law Volume II: Divorce, Alimony & Property Division (2020).
nMr. Louis received his undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Brooklyn College, City University of New York, and his law degree from Rutgers Law School-Newark.
Timothy F. McGoughran, Esq.
Law Office of Timothy F. McGoughran LLC, Ocean
is the founding Partner of the Law Office of Timothy F. McGoughran, LLC in Ocean, New Jersey. He concentrates his practice exclusively in family law and handles matters related to divorce, custody, alimony, domestic violence, adoption, prenuptial agreements, parenting rights, same-sex marriage and other issues. He has also served as a Municipal Court Judge in Ocean Township and is a former Municipal Prosecutor for the Township.
nMr. McGoughran is admitted to practice in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the United States Supreme Court. A member of the New Jersey State, Pennsylvania, Ocean County and Monmouth Bar Associations, he is President of the New Jersey State Bar Association, Past Chair of the NJSBA Family Law Section Executive Committee, serves on the Executive Committee of the Association’s Military and Veterans Affairs Section and is a member of the Legal Education Committee. Mr. McGoughran is also Past President of the Monmouth Bar Association and Past Co-Chair of the Monmouth Bar Association’s Family Law Committee. He has been a Trustee for Monmouth County on the NJSBA’s Board of Trustees and has co-chaired the Legislation and Meeting Arrangements and Program Committees.
nIn 2010 and 2013 Mr. McGoughran was the recipient of the Distinguished Legislative Service Award bestowed by the New Jersey State Bar Association, and the Monmouth Bar Association Family Law Committee presented him with the Family Lawyer of the Year Award in 2012. He is a regular lecturer on law and ethics topics.
nMr. McGoughran received his B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh and his J.D. from Seton Hall Law School. He was a law clerk to the Honorable Robert W. O’Hagan, JSC.
Dr. Sharon Ryan Montgomery
Dr. Sharon Ryan Montgomery, Morristown
is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Morristown, New Jersey. Her areas of expertise are in all areas of forensic psychology, child custody evaluations, child sexual abuse, criminal and personal injury, family violence, mediation/arbitration, therapeutic mediation, parenting coordination, therapeutic visitation, child and adolescent psychopathology, and emotional sequelae/complications of juvenile diabetes. She also sees patients in individual, marital and group psychotherapy, and served as a psychologist and Coordinator of the Family Enrichment Program at Morristown Memorial Hospital for several years.
nA Board-Certified Forensic Examiner, Dr. Ryan Montgomery is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Examiners and holds certification in group psychotherapy from the New Jersey Academy of Group Psychotherapy. She has been Clinical Supervisor of Morris County's Family Court Mediation Program, on the Steering Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association's Child and Family Project, and a member and President of the Morris County Psychologist Association. Dr. Ryan Montgomery has also been a member of the New Jersey Psychological Association (NJPA) and the American Psychological Association. She was a member of the Task Force for the American Bar Association, Family Law Section, Standards of Practice on Divorce Mediation, and the Board of the New Jersey Psychological Association, chairing its Interpersonal Relations Committee, and has been a member-at-large on the NJPA Executive Committee. She has served as President of the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC).
nA lecturer at national and international child abuse conferences and for ICLE and the Newly-Appointed Judges Orientation Program, Dr. Ryan Montgomery has served as an expert witness in numerous custody disputes in several New Jersey counties. She has also conducted evaluations in criminal matters and has testified in court on numerous occasions.
nDr. Ryan Montgomery holds a doctorate in psychology from Rutgers University.
John P. Paone, Jr., Esq.
Paone Zaleski & Murphy, Red Bank
is a Diplomate of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers and a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) with 40 years of experience in the practice of family law. He is the Senior Partner of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy with offices in Woodbridge and Red Bank, where he limits his practice to high asset, high net worth and complex divorce, family law and custody matters. He is an AAML approved arbitrator.
nMr. Paone is a past Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) Family Law Section, a past President of the AAML New Jersey Chapter, and a past President of the Middlesex County Bar Association. He has been appointed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey to several committees relating to the practice of divorce and family law. He has served as Chair of the Supreme Court Board on Attorney Certification and as a member of the Board on Continuing Legal Education. The NJSBA appointed Mr. Paone Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Continuing Legal Education. He is a past member of the NJSBA Judicial and Prosecutorial Appointments Committee which evaluates every candidate for judicial appointment or reappointment to the Supreme Court, the Superior Court, and as county prosecutor. He served as 2018-2019 Co-Chair of the Monmouth Bar Association Family Law Committee and serves as a member of that Committee.
nThe 1996 recipient of the NJSBA Distinguished Legislative Service Award and the 2010 recipient of the ICLE Distinguished Service Award, Mr. Paone was in the first class of attorneys to be Certified by the Supreme Court as a “Matrimonial Law Attorney.” An Editor Emeritus of the New Jersey Family Lawyer, he is a frequent writer and lecturer on family law issues and has made television appearances on Court TV and other programs. In 2002 the NJSBA Family Law Section awarded Mr. Paone its Tischler Award for his contributions to family law practice and the legal profession. Since 2017, he has served as a Master of the Aldona E. Appleton Family Law American Inn of Court.
nMr. Paone received his B.A., with honors, from Rutgers College and his J.D., magna cum laude, from the American University Washington College of Law, where he was Articles Editor of the Law Review.
Marcy A. Pasternak, Ph.D.
Office of Marcy A. Pasternak, PhD, Watchung
is a clinical and forensic psychologist with a practice in Watchung, New Jersey. While her practice serves individuals of all ages in both the clinical and forensic arena, Dr. Pasternak’s special interests include marital and family therapy, divorce therapy, forensic evaluations concerning custody and parenting time, removal, grandparent visitation, risk assessment and personal injury. She often serves as a parenting coordinator and is a certified divorce mediator, conducting both divorce mediation and therapeutic mediation. She conducts Intensive Family Interventions through “Building Family Resilience,” an outgrowth of her practice.
nA licensed psychologist in New Jersey, New York and Vermont, Dr. Pasternak has been a member of the American, New Jersey and Somerset Hunterdon Psychological Associations, and has an APA Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol or Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders and an NCC AP Master Addiction Counselor Credential. She has been a member of the New Jersey Psychological Association’s Forensic Committee and is Past President of the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (NJ-AFCC).
nDr. Pasternak has served as a psychological expert in eleven New Jersey counties and as an adjunct staff member at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, and has been a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at New Jersey Medical School, UMDNJ. She has given workshops and presentations to the mental health and legal communities.
nDr. Pasternak received her B.A., magna cum laude, from the State University of New York at Buffalo, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Duke University.
David Politziner
EisnerAmper LLP
is a Partner in the Financial Advisory Services Group of EisnerAmper LLP in the firm’s Iselin, New Jersey, office. With more than 35 years of experience serving as a technical resource in litigation actions, he provides expert advice and testimony for plaintiffs and defendants in areas including business valuations, damage assessments, lost profit calculations, matrimonial matters, shareholder disputes, malpractice matters and the sale or purchase of businesses. He has also been appointed by judges in several counties to act as an expert witness in these matters and to issue reports for the court on these cases.
nA Certified Public Accountant in New Jersey and New York, Mr. Politziner is Accredited in Business Valuation and Certified in Financial Forensics by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). He is a member of the AICPA and the New Jersey and New York State Societies of Certified Public Accountants, Past President of the Hunterdon/Warren Chapter of the NJSCPA and a Charter Member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation’s Forensic & Business Valuation Division. He is a frequent presenter for ICLE and other professional and civic organizations, and is often quoted by local newspapers and business publications.
nMr. Politziner received his B.A. from Rutgers University and his M.B.A. from the University of Michigan.
Brian M. Schwartz, Esq.
Szaferman Lakind Blumstein & Blader, P.C., Summit
is a Partner in Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein & Blader, P.C. in Summit, New Jersey, and has been involved in the practice of family law for more than 20 years. He assists his clients through the difficulties of divorce, custody, alimony and equitable distribution.
nMr. Schwartz is Past Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Family Law Section and has been a member of the Section’s Executive Committee since 2002. A former Executive Editor of the New Jersey Family Lawyer, he has lectured for ICLE’s Skills and Methods course in family law multiple times, moderated the 2014 Family Law Symposium, lectured at the Symposium several times, and was the Co-Moderator for the ATLA/NJAJ Boardwalk Seminar in 2010-2012. He has been a faculty member at the AICPA Expert Witness Skills Workshop several times; has lectured for ICLE, NJAJ/ATLA, the New Jersey State Bar Association, the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants and local bar associations; and has authored numerous articles on family law which have appeared in the New Jersey Family Lawyer, Sidebar and publications of ICLE and NJAJ/ATLA. A former Barrister and group leader for the Barry I. Croland American Inn of Court, he was the 2017 recipient of the Saul Tischler Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association for Lifetime Achievement in the advancement of Family Law as well as several other honors.
nMr. Schwartz received his B.A. from George Washington University and his J.D. from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Sheryl J. Seiden, Esq.
Seiden Family Law, LLC, Cranford
is the founding Partner of Seiden Family Law, LLC in Cranford, New Jersey. She is a seasoned matrimonial lawyer, having practiced family law exclusively since January 2000. Prior to forming Seiden Family Law, Ms. Seiden was a Partner at a boutique law firm in Summit, where she practiced family law for thirteen years.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, Ms. Seiden is Past Chair of the Family Law Section Executive Committee (“FLEC”) of the New Jersey State Bar Association and a Trustee of the Association. She is a past Co-Chair of the Young Lawyer Family Law Subcommittee for FLEC, and has been a member of FLEC since 2008. An officer and Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers– New Jersey Chapter (“AAML-NJ”), Ms. Seiden has served on the Board of Managers for several years and is slated to be sworn in as the President of AAML-NJ in June 2024. She is also a member of the Union and Essex County Bar Associations. In November 2014 Ms. Seiden argued as amicus curiae for AAML in Gnall v Gnall before the Supreme Court of New Jersey. She has been an Early Settlement Panelist for the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Family Part, Union County, and has been asked to serve as a blue-ribbon panelist on several occasions by the Early Settlement Panel for the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Family Part, Essex County.
nMs. Seiden has moderated and spoken on many panels for the Family Law Symposium on topics involving creative support awards, child support, emancipation and special needs trusts, alimony issues, legislative issues affecting family law, and reexamining relocation laws. She has also been a speaker at the Friday night program for the Family Law Symposium on several occasions. Ms. Seiden is co-author of Marriage, Divorce and Dissolution (Gann Publishing, 2019, now in its 3rd Edition). She often lectures and educates junior lawyers and paralegals on how to prepare Case Information Statements, and has also lectured on the relocation laws in New Jersey as well as parental alienation.
nMs. Seiden received her B.A., cum laude, from American University and is a magna cum laude graduate of New York Law School, where she served as the Managing Editor of the New York Law School Law Review.
Barry S. Sobel, Esq.
Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, Roseland
is an associate with Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP in Roseland, New Jersey, where he concentrates his practice in family law and civil litigation. His experience includes complex commercial litigation, business and shareholder disputes, employment law issues and general equity matters.
nMr. Sobel is admitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. He has been a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section and the Technology Subcommittee of the Young Lawyers Section. A member of the Barry Croland Family Law American Inn of Court, he has lectured for ICLE and is the recipient of several honors.
nMr. Sobel received his B.A. from the University of Maryland and his J.D., cum laude, from New York Law School, where he was Senior Staff Editor of the New York Law School Law Review. He was a judicial intern to the Honorable Frank M. Ciuffani, New Jersey Superior Court, Middlesex County, Chancery Division; and the Honorable Freda L. Wolfson, United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.
Stacey M. Valentine, Esq.
Avelino Law, LLP, Morristown
is a Partner in Avelino Law, LLP with offices in Summit, New Jersey, and New York City, and co-leads the Trusts and Estates Practice Group. With a practice encompassing all aspects of trusts and estates law, she handles income, estate, inheritance, gift, and generation-skipping transfer tax issues, and helps clients maximize the benefits of charitable giving. Ms. Valentine assists estate and trust beneficiaries and fiduciaries in enforcing their rights and adhering to their obligations in the event of a dispute, and serves as legal counsel to numerous financial institutions and corporate trustees, assisting those entities in the implementation of their fiduciary duty while addressing the risks inherent to the role of executor or trustee. She also advises clients in general corporate matters arising in closely-held family businesses and has experience working with individuals with special needs.
nMs. Valentine is admitted to practice in New Jersey and New York. She is a member of the New Jersey State, New York State and Morris County Bar Associations, and the Board of the Estate Planning Council of Northern New Jersey. She has also sat on the Board of the Women’s Association for the Morristown Medical Center and the Young Professionals Board of Eva’s Village.
nMs. Valentine received her B.A., magna cum laude, from Colgate University and her J.D., cum laude, from Washington & Lee University School of Law.
Amy Wechsler, Esq.
Lawrence Law, Watchung
Certified as a Matrimonial Law Attorney by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, practices with Lawrence Law with offices in Watchung and Red Bank, New Jersey. She concentrates her practice in family law, mediation, arbitration, parenting coordination and collaborative divorce, and provides mediation services privately and through court programs.
nAccredited as a Divorce and Family Mediator by the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators (NJAPM) and a trained Collaborative Divorce Attorney, Ms. Wechsler serves on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Family Law Executive Committee (where she has been Chair of a Task Force on Parenting Coordination and the Children’s Rights Subcommittee) and is Past President of the Somerset County Bar Association. She completed the Arbitration Training through the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is Past President of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts-New Jersey Chapter (AFCC-NJ), an interdisciplinary association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict. Ms. Wechsler has been Co-President of the Association for Advancement of Collaborative Practice and a Board Member of the New Jersey Council on Collaborative Practice Groups. She is also Past Chair of the District XIII Attorney Ethics Committee.
nMs. Wechsler is the 2005 recipient of the Professional Lawyer of the Year Award for Somerset County bestowed by the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism. She is a frequent lecturer and author on family law topics for ICLE, NJAPM, AFCC-NJ, the Association of Divorce Financial Planners (ADFP) and other organizations, and her articles have appeared in the New Jersey Family Lawyer.
nMs. Wechsler received her B.S. from the University of Connecticut, her M.S.W. in Clinical Social Work from Rutgers University and her law degree from Rutgers School of Law-Newark.
Richard H. Weiner, Esq.
Aronsohn Weiner Salerno & Kaufman, PC, Hackensack
is the Managing Shareholder of Aronsohn Weiner Salerno & Kaufman, P.C. in Hackensack, New Jersey, and has been practicing law for more than 39 years, with a focus in matrimonial and family law. He handles complex family law matters involving professionals, business owners and their spouses, with a particular expertise in the financial service industry, and has also been involved in complex business and estate litigation matters. He has been appointed as a mediator and arbitrator by Superior Court Judges and other prominent matrimonial attorneys, and as Guardian Ad Litem and Discovery Master in high-conflict matters related to children.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Mr. Weiner is Past President of the Bergen County Bar Association and was the representative from Bergen County to the State of New Jersey Judicial and Prosecutorial Appointments Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association from 2008-2014. He is also Past Chair of the Bergen County Bench Bar and Ethics Committees.
nA frequent lecturer for CLE programs, Mr. Weiner has provided commentary to publications including the Bergen Record, the Newark Star Ledger and the New Jersey Law Journal. He was named the 2016 Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Bergen County Bar Association and is the recipient of several other honors.
nMr. Weiner received his B.A. from the University of Maryland and his J.D. from Hofstra University. He clerked for the Honorable Edward J. Van Tassel, Superior Court, Bergen County.
Evan Weinstein, Esq.
is Managing Partner of Weinstein Family Law, P.C. in Short Hills, New Jersey, and concentrates his practice in family law, particularly divorce, equitable distribution, alimony, spousal support, martial property settlement agreements, cohabitation agreements, premarital agreements, child custody and parenting time disputes, domestic violence and other related matters.
nAdmitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, Mr. Weinstein is a member of the Essex County Bar Association and the Family Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association. He has co-authored several articles on family law topics which have appeared in state and national publications.
nMr. Weinstein received his B.A. from Syracuse University and his J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

The Jeffrey P. Weinstein 2023 Family Law Institute is a two-day full immersion into all aspects of family law practice. We will be receiving instruction from numerous experts regarding a variety of topics, including how to review a tax return, what information is contained in a corporate return and how to develop a cash flow analysis. In addition, we will have experts reviewing actual financial and non-financial expert reports, examination of trust documents, instructing how to conduct a direct examination and cross-examination as well as how to interpret such reports.

We will also have a wide variety of judges at round table discussions to instruct us as to how to present motions at the trial level, how to argue appeals, how to formulate an emergent appeal and how to prepare appropriate appellate division papers.

This program will benefit family lawyers at all levels of experience, from those who have tried several cases to those who are starting out in this area of practice. The professionals attending will benefit from hearing fresh insights and nuanced perspectives about handling complicated and ethically challenging problems that arise in family practice.

The Summer Institute is a perfect event to learn from family law experts and family law judges with over 100,000 hours of actual courtroom experience.

Program Agenda:

Day 1 - July 25

  • 9:00 - Introduction - Mark H. Sobel, Esq.; Evan R. Weinstein, Esq.
  • 9:15 - Supreme Court Procedures and Practice - Justice Barry Albin
  • 10:00 - 10 Most Important Cases Every Family Lawyer Must Know - John P. Paone, Jr., Esq.
  • 10:30 - Bar Involvement for Family Lawyers - Timothy McGoughran, Esq.
  • 10:45 - Marketing for Family Lawyers - Jeralyn Lawrence, Esq.
  • 11:00 - Fees and Fee Applications - Hon. Lisa F. Chrystal, PJFP (Ret.)
  • 11:20 - Functions of a Presiding Judge and Assignment Judge - Hon. Bonnie Mizdol, AJSC (Ret.)
  • 11:50 - Motion Papers Dos and Don’ts - Hon. Andrea J. Sullivan, JSC
  • 12:10 - Issues To Be Considered in Every Family Law Case - Frank A. Louis, Esq.
  • 12:30 - Lunch
  • 1:00 - Ethics - Robert B. Hille, Esq.
  • 1:30 - Analyzing Tax Returns - David Politziner, CPA
  • 2:00 - Financial Reports, P&L Statements and Balance Sheets - Sandra Klevan, CPA
  • 2:20 - Reasonable Comp and Specific Company Risk - Ilan Hirschfeld, CPA
  • 2:40 - Objective Resources for Financial Accountants - Jason Addesso, CVA
  • 3:10 - Expert Reports What they Can and Can’t Say - Dr. Marcy A. Pasternak, Ph.D.
  • 3:40 - Child and Parent Interviews - Dr. Sharon Ryan Montgomery, Psy.D.
  • 4:00 - Objective Testing in Reports - Dr. Mathias R. Hagovsky, Ph.D
  • 4:30 - Adjourn

Day 2 - July 26

  • 9:00 - Introduction - Mark H. Sobel, Esq.
  • 9:15 - Emergent Appeals & Appellate Briefs - Hon. Lisa A. Firko
  • 9:45 - Appellate Oral Arguments & Appellate Mediation - Hon. Robert A. Fall
  • 10:15 - Private Arbitrations - Richard H. Weiner, Esq.
  • 10:45 - Requirements of Property Settlement Agreements - Derek Freed, Esq.
  • 11:15 - Case Information Statements - Sheryl Seiden, Esq.
  • 11:45 - Mediation and Parenting Coordination - Phyllis Klein, Esq.; Amy Wechsler, Esq.
  • 12:15 - LGBT Issues and Family Law - Debra E. Guston, Esq., CAE
  • 12:45 - Lunch
  • 1:15 - Cohabitation - Barry S. Sobel, Esq.
  • 1:30 - 10 Most Recent Cases - John P. Paone, Jr., Esq.
  • 2:00 - Cross and Direct Examination, Proper Technique and Questions from the Court - Hon. Marcella Matos Wilson, JSC
  • 2:30 - Trust Agreements within the Family Law Context - A. Jude Avelino, Esq.; Stacey Valentine, Esq.
  • 3:00 - Examination of Experts - Brian Schwartz, Esq.
  • 3:30 - DCPP Reports and Confidentiality - Tanya L. Freeman, Esq.
  • 4:00 - Round Table Discussion with Judges - Hon. Richard C. Camp, JSC (Ret.); Hon. Michael Casale, JSC (Ret.); Hon. Thomas P. Zampino, PJFP (Ret.)
    • Questions we always wanted to ask but perhaps were afraid to.
  • 4:30 - Adjourn