The Basics of Bank Regulation Part II

Category: Materials

Member Price: $24

Non-Member Price: $30

Product Code: M118022

Areas of Law: Banking, Business & Commercial Litigation

CLE Credits




The Bank Regulatory System in the United States is more complex and fragmented than in other countries. It is designed to essentially achieve two goals: Protect consumers of bank products and services, and Ensure the safety and soundness of banks

While most countries have a single bank regulator, U.S. banks are regulated at the federal, state and even local levels. Banks can be chartered in the U.S. by the federal government or by any individual state. This involves many legal considerations attorneys should be aware of.

Additionally, the U.S. has a long history of separating banking from other commercial endeavors and is manifested in the rules that govern Bank Holding Companies. Faced with all these rules, why does anyone organize a bank? The answer is generally to be able to take deposits from the public, a power that only banks possess.

Purchase this dynamic two-part program and learn the intricacies of Banking Law. The first part was devoted to the Basics of Bank Regulation in the United States. In this second part speakers will address specific laws and regulations with which banks must comply.

Program Agenda:

  • Overview - Robert M. Jaworski, Esq.
  • Andrew Liput, Esq.
    • Third Party Vendor Management
    • Data Privacy
    • Security and Wire Fraud
  • Robert M. Jaworski, Esq.
    • Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and Regulation Z
    • TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) Rule
    • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Regulation C
    • Anti-Money Laundering/ Bank Secrecy Act (AML/BSA) Rules
  • Wayne Watkinson, Esq.
    • Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Regulation X
    • Loan Originator Compensation
    • Equal Credit Opportunity Act
    • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Open Panel Discussion, Wrap Up and Questions and Answers - All Presenters