Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era – A 2024 Look

Category: Materials

Member Price: $16

Non-Member Price: $20

Product Code: MI009424

Areas of Law: For All Attorneys, Government, Public Sector & Public Interest

CLE Credits




Peyton Dixon
Donald Scarinci, Esq.
Scarinci & Hollenbeck LLC, Little Falls

Join us as Theodore Roosevelt is brought to life by actor-historian Peyton Dixon.

The legislation conceived and adopted during the progressive era changed the paradigm of American Liberty and Democracy. The conception of a Democratic Republican form of government held by those who drafted the constitution of 1787 underwent a fundamental shift after the Civil War. Roosevelt was one of the principal spokespersons of that shift. Some would even say that he was the leader of the Progressive movement.

Those who log in to hear Roosevelt at this seminar can decide for themselves whether Roosevelt was the leader of a movement or just a person who found his place in history riding the crest of the tidal wave of change as America and the world entered the modern era. Whatever the conclusion, our conception of America today has more in common with the progressive era than with the Federal era when the government began.

Topics will include an overview of Roosevelt’s life and times with emphasis on his thoughts about the 16th, 17th, 18, and 19th Amendment, civil service reform, trust busting, preservation and conservation of public lands and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. We will talk a bit about the Commerce Clause by discussing In Re Eugene Debs, Swift & co. v. US (stream of commerce test); and, of course, Lochner v. NY and Roosevelt’s relationship with Oliver Wendell Holmes.

We will talk about the Spanish American War and World War 1 and put some perspective on the selective service Act of 1917. We will use the opportunity to discuss the impact of war on the first amendment and draw parallels to the Alien & Sedition acts signed into law by President Adams. War also provides the backdrop to discuss Downes v. Bidwell (constitution follows the flag), and the selective draft cases (constitutionality of the draft).

We will also be sure to discuss what led up to the creation of the Bull Moose party and draw parallels to present day presidential politics. Since we are in New Jersey, no conversation about the progressive era would be complete without discussing former Governor and President Woodrow Wilson.

Questions from the audience via chat will be welcome!