Trustworthiness Redux (2017)

Crucial Trial Techniques for Personal Injury Cases in
New Jersey for Plaintiffs and Defense
(2017 – Bound book)

Member Price: $55
Non-Member Price: $69

Author: Hon. James Hely, JSC


About the Treatise:
Twenty years ago, NJICLE published the book, TRUSTWORTHINESS. The book developed a following around the state for personal injury lawyers, many of whom obtained outstanding verdicts based upon the techniques described in the book. James Hely, the principal author of the original publication, based the book upon his experience trying cases all over New Jersey. After 29 years as a trial attorney, he joined to the judiciary in 2009 where he has presided over more than one hundred civil jury trials. This new NJICLE book, TRUSTWORTHINESS REDUX, covers critical changes that have taken place over the last two decades regarding the law, procedures, and what works and what doesn’t work.

Plus, Trustworthiness Redux includes historical reference to court proceedings!





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Table of contents: click here


Member Price:
Non-Member Price: $69