Working with Mental Health Experts in Family Law Cases (2023

Category: Materials

Member Price: $16

Non-Member Price: $20

Product Code: M078523

Areas of Law: Family

CLE Credits




This educational and informative seminar is designed for family lawyers who have cases that require the services of psychological experts. In these cases, other options such as negotiation or mediation, have failed. Impasses may result when families are in a state of high conflict, or when one or both of the parties is litigious. Other reasons, such as mental illness, child sexual abuse allegations or Hague issues, may necessitate a psychological expert’s involvement and he or she will play a crucial role in the case. It is critical for the attorney to understand how best to select and use an expert, what the evaluation process entails, and how to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the expert’s report.

This program will provide attorneys with a wealth of helpful information about the use and role of mental health experts in family law matters.