You Filed Your Appeal, Now What?: Stays, bonds and more

Category: Materials

Member Price: $20

Non-Member Price: $25

Product Code: M130123

Areas of Law: Civil

CLE Credits



Andrew R. Turner, Esq.
Turner Law Firm LLC, South Orange


Hon. Carmen Messano, CJAD
Chief Judge of the Appellate Division
Catherine Derenze, Esq.
Lite DePalma Greenberg & Afanador, LLC, Newark
Conway C. Marshall
Vice President, International Sureties, Ltd.

You Filed Your Appeal Now What?

Simply filing an appeal does not result in a stay of a judgment or order. This program takes a look at some of the practical concerns that you need to be aware of and may need to have in place as you proceed with your appeal. During the discussion on stays our panel will focus on filing concerns and types of stays. And during the presentation on bonds, our speakers will offer valuable information to help you identify when appellate bonds may be necessary and to demystify the process of obtaining them.

Purchase  for a lively presentation on:

  • Stays
       - Court to which application is made
              - Initial filing
              - Second review
       - Types of stays
  • Understanding Appeal Bonds
       - Who, What, When, Where, and Why
       - Bonds vs. Insurance and the 3-party obligation
       - Securing the surety and what the surety is looking for
       - Why would someone give the surety cash instead of lodging the funds with the court?
       - Costs
       - Timing Rules in New Jersey
       - Alternatives to the bond
  • Additional Topics/Discussion