
Pro Bono

Encouraging participation in voluntary pro bono activities is part of the mission of the New Jersey State Bar Association. These include the Military Legal Assistance Program and Mass Disaster Response Program.

NJ Lawyers Assistance

The New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program serves all attorneys, judges and law students in the State of New Jersey.

NJLAP is funded by all members of the bar with invaluable administrative support from the New Jersey State Bar Association. NJLAP services include free and confidential help for a broad range of problems and personal issues.

The program does not offer legal services or lawyer referrals.

NJ State Bar Foundation

Founded in 1958, The New Jersey State Bar Foundation is the charitable and educational Foundation of the New Jersey State Bar Association.


New Jersey State Bar Association members are eligible for discounted rates on New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) programs. NJICLE sponsors hundreds of continuing legal education seminars each year.

NJ Commission on Professionalism 

The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law is a unique cooperative venture of the NJSBA, the state and federal judiciary, and New Jersey’s three law schools. We hope to contribute to a strengthening of the traditional values, and sense of responsibility and public purpose, that have made the practice of law a distinguished profession.

  • Agenda and Accomplishments
  • Events and Information
  • Principles of Professionalism
  • Programs and Projects
  • Articles of Interest

New Jersey Supreme Court Historical Advisory Board

View some of the most notable cases by the New Jersey Supreme Court over the years and are designed to provide a better understanding of the Court’s work.

County Bar Associations

A listing of the Lawyer Referral Services for the county bar associations in New Jersey.

Specialty Bar Associations

A listing of specialty bar associations in New Jersey.

Private: Resources

Pro Bono

Encouraging participation in voluntary pro bono activities is part of the mission of the New Jersey State Bar Association. These include the Military Legal Assistance Program and Mass Disaster Response Program.

NJ Lawyers Assistance

The New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program serves all attorneys, judges and law students in the State of New Jersey.

NJLAP is funded by all members of the bar with invaluable administrative support from the New Jersey State Bar Association. NJLAP services include free and confidential help for a broad range of problems and personal issues.

The program does not offer legal services or lawyer referrals.

NJ State Bar Foundation

Founded in 1958, The New Jersey State Bar Foundation is the charitable and educational Foundation of the New Jersey State Bar Association.


New Jersey State Bar Association members are eligible for discounted rates on New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) programs. NJICLE sponsors hundreds of continuing legal education seminars each year.

NJ Commission on Professionalism 

The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law is a unique cooperative venture of the NJSBA, the state and federal judiciary, and New Jersey’s three law schools. We hope to contribute to a strengthening of the traditional values, and sense of responsibility and public purpose, that have made the practice of law a distinguished profession.

  • Agenda and Accomplishments
  • Events and Information
  • Principles of Professionalism
  • Programs and Projects
  • Articles of Interest

County Bar Associations

A listing of the Lawyer Referral Services for the county bar associations in New Jersey.

Specialty Bar Associations

A listing of specialty bar associations in New Jersey.