Emergency Notifications and Disaster Preparedness

NJSBA Disaster Preparedness Guide

A natural or man-made disaster raises a number of practical and logistic challenges for law firms. The NJSBA has some guidance, practical tips and checklists to help you think about what you need to do now to be prepared should a disaster interrupt your business. Download the guide here.

Handbook for Victims of a Disaster

The NJSBA is part of the Statewide Legal Disaster Team, which brings together organizations and agencies from around the state to help in the case of a natural or man-made disaster. The group has released an updated Handbook for Victims of a Disaster. It covers topics like financial issues, health care matters, home repair and how to restore lost vital records. Click here to download the handbook.

New Jersey Courts Emergency Notification Services

It is critical that attorneys, litigants, jurors and anyone needing to be in court be able to get the information they need regarding court closings.

The Judiciary provides several online and social media outlets where attorneys and the public can get timely and accurate information regarding the courts.

Receive SMS notifications about unscheduled court closings or delayed openings

Text and/or email messages are sent directly to the cell phone specified by the user.

Users may also opt to receive other judiciary notifications relating to press releases, notices to the bar, newsletters, and Supreme Court opinions. Registration is free, but there may be a “per message” charge depending on the individual user’s cell phone plan.

The Judiciary maintains a public Twitter page where court closing information is posted/tweeted.

Anyone can view this page — there is no requirement that a user have a Twitter account or be registered with Twitter. Information is updated as soon as it becomes available, so users may wish to check often in the event of a weather or other emergency.

Visit the Judiciary website for court closing information

This page is also updated as soon as information becomes available, and users should likewise check the page often during a weather or other emergency.

Please note that municipal court closing information can be found here.