New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law

Note: The Commission does not regulate, investigate or discipline lawyers. For advice on filing a complaint against a lawyer please contact the Office of Attorney Ethics, PO Box 963, Trenton, NJ. You may call them at (609) 530-4010.


The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law is a unique cooperative venture of the NJSBA, the state and federal judiciary, and New Jersey’s three law schools. The Commission was formed in response to increasing displeasure within the bar about the future direction of the profession, and public criticism of lawyers and the legal system. We hope to contribute to a strengthening of the traditional values, and sense of responsibility and public purpose, that have made the practice of law a distinguished profession. Moreover, we hope our work helps to increase public respect for judges and the justice system.

The Commission created Principles of Professionalism to guide lawyers and law students. Read it here. It also created Principles of Judicial Professionalism for members of the bench. Read it here

Towards this end the Commission develops programs and initiatives for lawyers, judges, and law students. We sponsor and participate in educational seminars, take positions on professional responsibility issues, and serve as an information resource for bar associations. The Commission operates from the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick.

The New Jersey Commission on Professionalism Awards Luncheon

Will be held at the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe Township on Thursday, June 12 beginning at 12 p.m.

Register now


James J. Uliano


Justice Douglas Fasciale
Hon. Jeanne T. Covert
Hon. Wendel E. Daniels
Hon. Cassandra Corbett
Hon. Renee Bumb
Hon. Brendan Day
Hon. Michael Kaplan
Hon. Jack Sabatino
Andrew Cevasco
Karol Corbin Walker
Michael G. Donahue
Janice Heinold
Katrina Homel
Brandon Lee Wolff
Susan Leming
Scott Malyk
Professor Paula Franzese
Sarah K. Regina


Hon. John W. Bissell (Ret.)
Hon. Georgia M. Curio (Ret.)
Professor Rayman L. Solomon
James Youngelson
Benjamin D. Heller
Sabrina G. Comizzoli