Pro Bono

Welcome to the NJSBA’s Voluntary Pro Bono Resource Area

Members of the NJSBA and wider New Jersey legal community perform thousands of hours of pro bono representation for people, organizations and causes each year. Fostering pro bono is part of our mission and we are pleased to share information and resources to advance that goal. We hope you find it useful.

This section contains information about:

  • Pro Bono Award winners for 2022, which included law firms, dedicated individuals, corporate legal departments and teams of law school students. Information about the award process is here.
  • The Pro Bono Task Force.

There are also resource links and information and training videos below.

For information about the mass disaster program, click here.

For information about the Military Legal Assistance Program, click here.

Click here for information about pro bono opportunities, and for a FAQ on pro bono click here.


Get Involved: It’s time to nominate for the NJSBA’s 2024 Pro Bono Awards

The Pro Bono Awards Reception will be held sometime in October at the New Jersey Law Center. We should have a date available within the next few weeks.

To nominate an individual for their outstanding commitment to providing pro bono legal services to New Jersey click here.
Deadline for submissions is Friday, May 31st.

Dedicated to service: Get to know the NJSBA Pro Bono Award winners for 2022

The NJSBA recognized 20 individuals across six award categories for their outstanding commitment to providing pro bono legal services to New Jersey’s underserved residents. The February 2023 ceremony was held at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick.

Learn More about Pro Bono Awards Winners

Click on the following tabs below to get to know the NJSBA Pro Bono Award winners and awards for 2022.

REBECCA SPAR received the Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing an attorney in practice for 25 years or more. A special education expert with a career spanning over three decades, Spar has provided pro bono services to scores of families, shaped legal doctrine and mentored numerous attorneys through Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ), a nonprofit that promotes access to justice for people experiencing poverty. Now retired, she dedicates her time to working with pro bono organizations and counseling less-experienced attorneys in special education law. Since retiring in 2018, she still dedicates 30 hours a week to undertaking pro bono activities.

What inspired you to practice in special education law?

After beginning law school in 1984, my focus on education gradually changed. During my third year, I handled a special education case in the Rutgers School of Law clinic. A parent, with the assistance of a lay advocate, had won an administrative hearing which required the school district to place her child in a private school. The school district filed an appeal in federal court and the advocate, who could not represent the student in federal court, asked and the clinic agreed to handle the appeal. I represented the parent in the appeal and dug into special education law. I succeeded in upholding the administrative decision and became hooked. I decided that after a few of years of litigation experience, I would try to integrate special education cases as a part of my practice. I never dreamed that I would be able to turn it into a full-time practice.

As the parent of a child with a disability, how has that experience shaped your pro bono advocacy? 
I understand what parents are going through because I’ve been there myself. I’ve seen firsthand the impact that ADHD or a learning disability has on a student when trying to do homework after a long day of school. I have seen the difference an effective teacher or resource room instructor who is involved and works with the parent can make versus an ineffective teacher. I’ve also seen the educational limits of private schools. They are not always the panacea for students with special needs. Every disability and every child is different, but parents know that I am not only speaking as a lawyer, but also as someone who has had experiences similar to theirs.

Most attorneys would slow down after retiring, yet you still perform many hours of pro bono service a week. Why do you continue this work?
I like doing things that are meaningful and helpful to others, and I loved my special education involvement with the Education Law Center and VLJ. I considered doing some paid consultation when I retired from Cole Schotz, but decided that I wanted to focus on pro bono tasks without concern about compensation. I gain great satisfaction by knowing that I can help others to achieve, and at the same time know that their success continues to enrich my life.

GEOFFREY N. ROSAMOND received the Champion of Justice Award, presented to an individual attorney affiliated with a firm. Rosamond, a partner at McCarter & English, logged 168 hours of pro bono service in 2021 while serving 27 clients. He serves as chairman of McCarter & English’s Pro Bono Committee and is a member of VLJ’s Board of Trustees.

You’ve worked with Volunteer Lawyers for Justice for many years now. How did you become involved with the organization?
Shortly after I began working at McCarter & English in January 2000, I developed a criminal reentry/expungement program at the firm. I was able to recruit and train volunteer lawyers at McCarter to represent pro bono clients referred by Essex County College and The First Occupational Center of New Jersey, among others. The McCarter criminal reentry/expungement program was successful in helping a significant number of pro bono clients expunge their criminal records in the early 2000s.

What inspired you to dedicate much of your pro bono service to criminal expungements, and why do you believe that work is important?
Ensuring access to justice for individuals experiencing poverty is the most personally rewarding and fulfilling work I have been involved with in my 26 years as an attorney. My background and experience as a former prosecutor provided me with the tools needed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of my expungement clients and survivors of human trafficking during this time.

Expungements provide a second chance to individuals who have made mistakes in the past, and the ability to dramatically change their lives for the better. As a result of having their criminal backgrounds expunged, individuals can experience an increase in employment and educational opportunities, economic independence, housing stability and productive citizenship, while reducing recidivism and building safer communities. The same is also true when we are able to obtain a vacatur of human trafficking convictions for a survivor. That not only eliminates these barriers, but also allows a survivor to escape the stigma resulting from their victimization.

How are you able to balance pro bono service with your professional responsibilities? 
Balancing my pro bono service with my professional responsibilities has been relatively easy for me for the past 20 years, as I view them as one and the same. To make a meaningful difference in the lives of others is the most fulfilling reward of being an attorney and member of New Jersey’s prestigious legal community.

REED SMITH LLP—Pillar of Justice Award
The Pillar of Justice Award recognizes significant and innovative pro bono contributions of law firms toward advancing access to justice. The award was presented to attorneys Melissa Geist, Julia Lopez and John McDonald of Reed Smith for their pro bono work including providing legal representation to immigrant children, performing closings for families in affordable housing, among other projects. The three attorneys offered their perspective on pro bono work.

Why is it important for law firms—especially international firms like Reed Smith—to perform pro bono services?
Our pro bono work represents our firm’s values in action and is part of our mission as a progressive global law firm. We are proud that the firm’s pro bono practice continues to grow and make up a critical part of the firm’s response to major business and legal events. It is important for us as a law firm to be an active member of our society. In Princeton, two of our attorneys—who are immigrants themselves—recognized from their personal experience how they could make an impact on their client’s lives and families through their work with Kids In Need of Defense. Indeed, there is nothing more rewarding than helping a client have a real opportunity at achieving the American Dream. In 2022, Reed Smith devoted over 92,000 pro bono hours firmwide supporting communities and people in need—our highest total number of hours in the firm’s history.

How do Reed Smith attorneys balance pro bono work with their professional responsibilities?
The importance we place on pro bono work is reflected in the firm’s policy, where up to 140 hours of pro bono time per year counts towards lawyers’ chargeable targets. Pro bono is also one way in which we develop our relationships with our in-house counsel clients. We partner with our fee-earning clients on pro bono work to increase capacity and offer more support to our pro bono clients.

MERCK & CO., INC.—Mark Daniel Excellence in Pro Bono Award
The Mark Daniel Award recognizes exemplary pro bono efforts of corporate legal departments. In the last year, Merck’s legal department worked with 30 different organizations on pro bono projects. Five attorneys with Merck were honored. They are: Mark Benevenia and Vance Camisa, who assisted with the annual lease negotiations for a Polish supplementary school; Michelle M. D’Agostino and Scott Kauffman, who worked with the Hope House to offer a wide array of programs to the elderly, disabled and people with AIDS or substance abuse issues; and Jeff Gruen, who has educated nonprofits on New Jersey’s sick leave law. The award follows the tradition set by the late Mark Daniel, who helped found Merck’s corporate pro bono program in 1994. He was also influential in championing pro bono causes as a longtime member of the NJSBA’s Pro Bono Committee.

How has Merck’s pro bono practice grown over the years?
The Merck Pro Bono program started in 1994 with a core group of seven patent attorneys and four administrative associates in the patent department. Merck’s pro bono program has grown globally to include more than 120 attorneys, paralegals and other staff across all levels of the organization, who in the last two years provided approximately 4,600 hours of pro bono legal services.

Why is it important for corporate legal departments to perform pro bono services?
Merck believes that providing pro bono services is our responsibility as a good corporate citizen. Committing our legal skills to help the communities in which we live and operate is consistent with our company’s mission: to ensure that every life is treated with dignity and respect by doing what we can to improve human lives and reduce human suffering. The nonprofit organizations we collaborate with through the Merck Pro Bono Program provide vital services to our communities, which would not be available without the partnership of corporate law departments like ours. We work to support our attorneys and staff to ensure they can successfully focus on both pro bono activities and professional responsibilities. We know that people do their best work when they are part of a committed and supportive team. One way our volunteers balance pro bono work with their Merck responsibilities is by partnering with another Merck attorney or staff member to share the workload.

DILLON J. MCGUIRE – Distinguished New Lawyer Pro Bono Award
The Distinguished Attorney Award recognizes an attorney in practice for 10 years or fewer. McGuire specializes in criminal defense and government and internal investigations with Pashman Stein Walder Hayden. In 2021, he argued before the state Supreme Court on behalf of the Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys – New Jersey on a pro bono basis in multiple cases involving the constitutionality of life sentences for juvenile defendants.

What do you find most rewarding about pro bono advocacy, especially in the criminal defense space?
After my judicial clerkships, it was very important to me to land at a law firm with a dedication to public interest work.  When I heard about Pashman Stein Walder Hayden, and the Justice Gary S. Stein Public Interest Center, it immediately caught my attention. I think what I enjoy most about pro bono advocacy in the criminal arena is that our involvement in high impact litigation before the Appellate Division and Supreme Court can make an immediate difference in the lives of New Jersey residents. Far too often, defendants’ constitutional rights are cast aside by investigating officers, yet these officers routinely receive the benefit of the doubt from trial judges. In appropriate cases, our role as amici provides critical support for defense counsel and assists the Court in determining some of the broader policy implications of a particular case.

Why do you believe it’s important for young attorneys like yourself to take on pro bono work?
It’s extremely important for young attorneys to be involved in pro bono work.  For me, pro bono assignments through the Justice Gary S. Stein Public Interest Center provided me with two invaluable opportunities. First, fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves is what attracted me to the practice of law in the first place. This is especially true in the criminal context, as an individual charged with a crime must defend him/herself against the seemingly unlimited resources of the state. The opportunity to represent defendants as designated counsel for the Office of the Public Defender in direct appeals has been particularly rewarding for me, as it allows more personal interaction with the defendants themselves. Second, pro bono work allowed me to get into court almost immediately and sharpen my oral and written advocacy skills while arguing as amicus.

How are you able to balance pro bono service with your professional responsibilities?
Finding a balance between pro bono work and billable work has been a challenge, but having the unwavering support of our managing partner Mike Stein, and the guidance of CJ Griffin, has made it a pleasure to take on these pro bono matters. I am also fortunate that our firm credits us for up to 150 pro bono hours a year toward our billable hours. While there have certainly been times where I had to come in early or stay late to finish pro bono briefs, or prepare for argument, I have never felt that I was shirking responsibilities to firm clients by taking on pro bono matters.  In my opinion, there is always time to help people, it’s just a matter of wanting to do so.    

SETON HALL LAW STUDENT TEAMS – Outstanding Law Student Pro Bono Awards
This award recognizes an individual law student or students who excelled in supporting pro bono or legal aid programs for underserved communities. A group of nine current and former Seton Hall Law students received the award for developing a series of informational videos for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, who represented themselves in restraining order hearings. The recipients are Erin N. Romano, Sarah Souaid, Mallory E. Garvin, Emre Tutuncu, Kaitlin R. Principato, Jaden W. Jackson, Brian M. Smith, Kiah B. Murphy and Alexis Mitchell.

What interested you in performing pro bono service while still a law student?
I had the lifetime honor of being a student in the Leadership Fellows Program for the Class of 2022. This pro bono program was established and has since been led every year by Professor Paula Franzese, a person nationally recognized for her legal eminence in housing justice and her passion for inspiring servant leadership in her students. Professor Franzese always told us, “There’s a force that meets good with good,” and advised us not to wait for someone else to do good, but to ourselves be the person that meets every problem with a viable solution. This encompasses the way she meets the Fellows’ desire to help with the direct tools, guidance and contacts to make it happen.

The Leadership Fellows Program encouraged us to seek out needs in our community and use our unique position as law students to provide relief. Our final projects included pro bono services ranging from a coat drive to the video advocacy project for survivors of domestic abuse in obtaining necessary protection. We all leaned into the program and inspired change that will continue to inspire change.
– Alexis Mitchell

How has the experience helped prepare you for a career in the law?

As anticipated, a project of this magnitude presented a multitude of challenges that cultivated a greater understanding of collaboration and leadership. Learning how to effectively work with classmates, professors, legal professionals and budding William Paterson filmmakers was a lesson in patience, communication and grace. Additionally, I have seen improvement in my organizational and management skills. I am more confident in my decision-making ability. Moreover, I have developed a deeper sense of empathy and compassion for others. Perhaps the greatest reward, however, was the bonds that I formed with my colleagues throughout this process.
– Jaden W. Jackson


Additional training videos for attorneys receiving pro bono assignments

Domestic Violence Contempt Matters

Municipal Court Appeals – June 2014

Additional Resources

Legal Services of New Jersey
Click here to access the Legal Services of New Jersey website, for additional information about pro bono opportunities, legal services, training for pro bono when available, and regional legal service offices.

ABA Center for Pro Bono
Click here for the ABA Center for Pro Bono


Founded in 1899, the NJSBA is the largest organization of attorneys, judges and legal professionals in New Jersey. At the core of our mission is improving the lives of our members, advancing the rule of law and serving as the voice of the profession. With 85 sections and committees, the NJSBA allows attorneys to benefit from being part of the most wide-reaching legal association in the state, while still cultivating expertise and building networks within specialized practice areas.



The New Jersey State Bar Association is committed to promoting and fostering a diverse and inclusive bar association. The Association recognizes that the broad concept of diversity includes race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability. The NJSBA fosters and promotes an inclusive environment that gives value to the unique contributions of diverse individuals and organizations in all aspects of the Association.

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The NJSBA Legal and  Government Affairs Department serves as the liaison between NJSBA members and the state’s three branches of government.


The New Jersey Law Center is located at 1 Constitution Sq, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901. Need directions to the Law Center? Click on the button below to get started right away.

Contact NJSBA

NJSBA Contact Us Form
If you're looking for an attorney, click here for help.

If you cannot afford an attorney and have a civil matter, click here for Legal Services of New Jersey.

Looking for information about a specific lawyer? Contact the Lawyer’s Fund for Client Protection at 855-533-3863.

Have a complaint about a lawyer? Visit the Office of Attorney Ethics website. Select “Attorney Discipline” from the navigation bar for discipline of attorneys.

Contact Info

One Constitution Square
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday

Fax 732-249-2815

Email us

NJSBA Meetings and Events Calendar

From section, committee and division meetings with valuable CLE credit, to receptions and dinners and special events, the New Jersey State Bar Association regularly holds meetings so our members can meet their mandatory CLE requirements and network with the state’s largest attorney membership.

View Calendar

2025 Family Law Retreat

The New Jersey State Bar Association is thrilled to announce the 2025 Family Law Retreat will be held in Mexico, San José del Cabo from March 23-27.



2025 Annual Meeting and Convention

The New Jersey State Bar Association is thrilled to announce the 2025 Annual Meeting and Convention will be held at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City from May 14-16.

Learn More And Register


27th Annual Elder and Disability Law Retreat

The New Jersey State Bar Association and the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
are thrilled to announce the 27th Annual Elder and Disability Law Retreat will be held in Princeton, NJ from April 3-4.



Practice HQ Training Events

Lawyers aren't taught practice management skills, and the NJSBA is here to fill the gap — no matter whether you are just starting out, mid-career or thinking about wrapping up their practices. Our PracitceHQ is here to help with webinars, informative articles, free consultations, comparison charts and so much more.

Practice HQ Training Events


The new NJSBA member benefit Decisis will help you level-up your legal research.

Decisis gives members access to a robust database of local and federal case law is necessary information often used to structure your case. Decisis provides industry-leading tools to make legal research easier and more intuitive, and it’s a free benefit to all active New Jersey State Bar Association members.

Decisis Training Events

Networking Events

The NJSBA provides a host of networking events so members can maintain relationships with existing colleagues and make new connects. Join us at a baseball game, the hockey arena, for a community service project, or another event.

Upcoming Networking Events

2025 NJSBA Bylaws Vote

All general members of the New Jersey State Bar Association are eligible to vote on proposed changes to the bylaws.

Learn More Here

Benefits Of Membership

As a member of the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA), you will join a powerful network of 16,000 legal professionals across the state of New Jersey. NJSBA membership grants you access to year-round virtual and in-person networking events, leadership and professional development opportunities, member-only discounts, educational resources to help you stay in the know and much more!

Practice Management Tools

The NJSBA provides tools lawyers need to improve their practice, from our comprehensive PracticeHQ library of resources; a career center to find your next colleague or opportunity; an intuitive and high-powered legal research platform; and a robust Member Assistance Program to connect members, and those who live in their households, with experienced counselors and resources to address mental health needs.



As an NJSBA member, you'll become part of the collective power of the NJSBA network, giving you the ability to influence legislation and caselaw in New Jersey. Let’s work together to shape the future and solve critical issues facing attorneys and the public.

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Membership helps you build and maintain a powerful network through our in-person and online events with attorneys all over the state.


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Become A Partner Organization

The New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) offers an exclusive partnership opportunity to amplify your organization’s impact and drive success. By harnessing the power of the NJSBA legal community, you can connect with our vibrant network of 16,000 legal professionals from 35+ different areas of practice, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for growth and achievement.


News and Press Publications

Learn more about the accomplishments of the Association, its members and events from regular news updates, press releases, and our award-winning magazine.



Read the comments, reports, resolutions and Board of Trustee news from the state’s largest organization of lawyers, judges and legal professionals.


Statements and Positions

The NJSBA is the voice of the profession and takes public positions on a range of issues with the legal community and government officials. It also takes positions on legislation and files friend-of-the-court briefs on matters that impact the profession. 

Photo Galleries

Check out photos from recent NJSBA events.

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