The New Jersey State Bar Association congratulates Judge Glenn A. Grant on a long career dedicated to public service. Judge Grant navigated massive transformations in the state Judiciary during his 16-year tenure as acting director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, especially during the pandemic. In this span, the NJSBA has worked collaboratively in a productive partnership with the AOC on issues that promote access to the justice system and fairness in its administration.  and a better legal practice in New Jersey.

The NJSBA greatly appreciates the recent collaborations with Judge Grant on supporting mental health and well-being in the profession, improving remote access to the courts, addressing bias in jury selection and calling attention to the vacancy crisis in the Judiciary. Additionally, Judge Grant has generously volunteered his expertise on educational panels for the benefit of New Jersey attorneys, most recently on artificial intelligence and its impact on the law.

The NJSBA also congratulates Assignment Judge Michael Blee as Judge Grant’s successor. The Association stands ready to work with him for the benefit of New Jersey attorneys, the Judiciary and the public.