Effective Use of Objections at Deposition and Trial

Date: Jul 11, 2024 9:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.

Location: Online

Member Price: $177

Non-Member Price: $209

Section Price: $157

Event Code: I175724

Areas of Law: Certified Attorneys, Civil Trial Bar

Earn up to 4 credits! (More Information)




Mitchell J. Makowicz, Jr., Esq.
Certified By the Supreme Court of New Jersey As a Civil Trial Attorney
Blume, Forte, Fried, Zerres & Molinari, PC, Chatham


Hon. Christopher D. Rafano, J.S.C.
Middlesex County Courthouse
Rebekah R. Conroy, Esq.
Stone Conroy LLC, Florham Park
Kelly P. Corrubia, Esq.
Director, New Jersey Defense Association
Hall Booth Smith, P.C., Paramus
Thomas J. Manzo, Esq.
Treasurer, New Jersey State Bar Foundation
Szaferman Lakind Blumstein & Blader PC, Lawrenceville
Rey O. Villanueva, Esq.
Golden Rothschild Spagnola Lundell Boylan & Garubo, PC, Bridgewater

Objections are one of the most difficult parts of litigation that an attorney must master. Join our panel of seasoned litigators and presiding court judge as they give you a crash course on effectively using objections at deposition and trial.

Learn to:
1. Recognize when oral testimony, physical evidence or expert testimony is objectionable
2. Quickly identify the basis for the objection
3. Properly make the objection
4. Understand the rationale and manner to effectively raise objections at deposition – both discovery and de bene esse
5. Understand the rationale and manner to effectively raise objections at trial
6. Comply with the deposition objection rule
7. To object or not? Strategies behind objecting or not objecting

Plus a special session on Ask the Experts!

Program Agenda:

9:00 | Welcome

9:05 | The theory vs. the practice of objecting - Rebekah R. Conroy, Esq.

9:35 | Why a deposition? - Rey O. Villanueva, Esq.
- The proper form for making the objection
- Differences between objections to oral testimony, physical evidence and expert testimony

10:05 | Applying the above knowledge - Kelly P. Corrubia, Esq.
- quickly identifying the basis for the objection
- when to object
- when not to object
- why you object
- making the record

10:35 | Break

10:45 | Difference between objections at deposition and objections at trial (Part 1) - Mitchell J. Makowicz, Jr., Esq.
- Deposition practice for objections, de bene esse and discovery.
- A discussion of the abuses of R. 4:14-3c

11:15 | Difference between objections at deposition and objections at trial (part 2) - Thomas J. Manzo, Esq.
- Trial practice tips on objections
- Objections during opening and closings

11:45 | Judicial perspective and a discussion of whether or not objections may be initiated from the bench - Hon. Christopher D. Rafano, JSC

12:30 | Q&A

12:35 | Adjourn

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ Civil Trial Attorney Credit: 4.0, NJ General: 4.0, NJ New Admit Civil or Criminal: 4.0).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Transitional: 4.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 3.0
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.

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