The following is a summary of actions taken at the
meeting of the New Jersey State Bar Association Board of Trustees at the New
Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. This summary does not constitute official
New trustees approved: The trustees approved Judge James
Newman to serve in the Monmouth County seat on the Board of Trustees that is
being vacated in May when Timothy McGoughran is sworn in as secretary. Newman
is the presiding judge of municipal courts in Monmouth County and a former
president of the Monmouth County Bar Association. In addition, Glennon
Troublefield will represent the association at the American Bar Association’s
House of Delegates. He takes over the seat of former NJSBA President and
current New Jersey State Bar Foundation President Lynn Newsome, who will join
the ABA’s Board of Governors in August.
The trustees appointed Mikeisha Anderson Jones to the New
Jersey State Bar Foundation’s board, and reappointed several people to serve
that board. They are:
•         Kelly Ann
•         Norberto
A. Garcia;
•         Ralph J.
•         Thomas J.
•         Brian J.
Neary; and
•         Kenneth
Farewell to outgoing trustees: The trustees set aside
time to recognize several trustees whose terms will expire in May. They are:
•         Supti
•         Anthony
M. Carlino;
•         Shanna
•         Lynn F.
•         Michael
L. Testa Jr.;
•         Marisa B.
Trofimov; and
•         Ronald J.
Member benefits: The trustees renewed USI as the
association’s member benefit program. Additional information about the services
USI provides can be found here.
They also approved an agreement to provide NJSBA member
discounts on new and leased Audis. Details will soon be available at’s Members section. (login required.)
Court reports: The NJSBA board voted on proposals
contained in a raft of Supreme Court reports and agreed to submit comments
about them. The comments covered issues that span in limine motions, child
support for incapacitated children, and training for those who conduct
arbitrations. The comments can be read here.
JPAC manual update: The trustees approved revisions to
the manual that contains the policies and procedures that guide the Judicial
and Prosecutorial Appointments Committee. The revisions largely address changes
required by the new compact Gov. Phil Murphy signed in February, continuing the
role the NJSBA has played in providing a non-partisan review of candidates for
the bench and prosecutor’s positions. Since 1969, in an agreement initially
outlined with Gov. Richard J. Hughes, the NJSBA has had a Judicial Compact with
every governor’s office to review candidates in a confidential process. The new
compact restored a significant role for county bars, outlined in the Compact
itself, as part of the confidential candidate review process. It also added
three seats to be designated for members from underrepresented groups in the
legal profession.
Upcoming events: The trustees approved the Hyatt Regency
in New Brunswick as the site of the 2020 Family Law Symposium.
Honorees: A practitioner and a former senator will
receive achievement awards from the NJSBA at the Annual Meeting and Convention.
The trustees agreed former Sen. Kevin O’Toole and Thomas E. Lenahan should be
recognized for their contributions to the profession and the association.