The following is a summary of the NJSBA’s Board of Trustees meeting. It does not constitute official minutes.
NOTE: This meeting was held via conference call, due to the COVID-19 public health crisis
Comments on civil court rules report: The Board approved the Civil Trial Bar Section’s recommendations to provide comments about the Report of the Supreme Court Civil Practice Committee, supporting the majority of the Committee’s recommendations. In addition, the NJSBA asked the committee to further review proposed amendments to Rule 4:22-1 about requests for admission; supported a new rule on motions in limine, but requested that some additional considerations be included; asked that Social Security numbers continue to be required in interrogatories of personal injury and medical malpractice matters; and praised the creation of a new track to allow greater flexibility in some civil cases, where all parties and clients agree.
Foundation board appointments: The Board approved the appointment of seven trustees to the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Kelly Ann Bird, Foundation President Norberto A. Garcia, Mikeisha Anderson Jones, Ralph J. Lamparello, former NJSBA President, and Thomas J. Manzo were approved for re-appointment. The NJSBA trustees appointed Heather Suarez and Katrina Homel to initial terms on the Foundation Board.
NJSBA policy update: The trustees approved changes to the Association’s policy about conducting business via email, conference call and other remote options, to reflect criteria in a new law about virtual meetings.
Section bylaws: The trustees approved proposals to update the Labor and Employment Law Section’s bylaws to reflect its current practices, as well as be more inclusive, among other changes. The changes now have to be finalized by the section.
Recognition of outgoing trustees: NJSBA President Evelyn Padin honored the six trustees who are finishing out their final term on the board. They are: Milagros Camacho, Craig Hubert, Edward O’Donnell, Heather Suarez, Cindy Vogelman and David Wolfe.