The following is a summary of actions taken at the Feb. 10, 2017, meeting of the New Jersey State Bar Association Board of Trustees at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. This summary does not constitute official minutes.


New trustee: At the outset of the meeting, association President Thomas H. Prol swore in a new trustee Gregory DeMichele, of DeMichele & DeMichele in Haddon Heights. He is a litigator, devoting the majority of his practice to municipal court, personal injury and family law matters. In addition to the NJSBA, he is active with the Camden County Bar Association and American Bar Association. DeMichele is filling a vacancy for a trustee from Camden County created when Linda Eynon became a Superior Court judge. Read DeMichele’s full bio here.
Government relations: The trustees voted to support legislation that would allow people with a terminal illness who have less than six months to live to obtain a prescription for lethal drugs to end their lives. A2451/S2474 includes a measure to protect physicians from legal action so they may write lethal prescriptions for terminal patients. The association examined the bill for over a year and determined it was necessary to take a position on the measure since it affects a constitutional right and will make substantial changes to the practice of law.
The trustees also agreed the association would support A4040/S2546, which requires training for law enforcement officers and county prosecutors concerning the handling of domestic violence cases. The association will also support A392/S2647 with some amendments, which allows gross income tax deductions for contributions, earnings and qualified distributions associated with special needs trusts.
Election: In the event of a possible election involving candidates seeking leadership positions in the NJSBA, the trustees approved Intelliscan as the third-party election administrator; and selected March 20 as the start of the seven-day voting period.
Mid-Year Meeting 2018 update: The trustees approved the selection of London as the location for the 2018 Mid-Year Meeting. The association last held a meeting in the city in 1989.
Diversity Luncheon keynote speaker selected: The annual Diversity Luncheon is a featured event of the NJSBA’s Annual Meeting and Convention each year in Atlantic City. The Board of Trustees approved C. Vivian Stringer, head coach of the Rutgers University women’s basketball program, as the event’s keynote speaker. In addition to her keynote remarks, Stringer will take part in a panel discussion with attorneys sharing their experiences and insights about their success “on the court.” The event is set for May 18, to learn more about the Annual Meeting and the ticked events, click here.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for March 10.