NJSBA Board of Trustees Report 
February 10, 2023
Note: This does not constitute official minutes
New trustee: The Board appointed Brett Yore to fill  the Cape May Trustee vacancy on the Association’s governing body. Yore, an assistant prosecutor in Cape May County, will fill the vacancy created when Daniel Kurkowski was appointed to the state Superior Court bench. Yore is the co-chair of the Association’s Membership Committee, and is active with its Young Lawyers Division, Legislative Committee and Diversity Committee.  He is also a graduate of the Association’s Leadership Academy, and is a former president of the Cape May County Bar Association.
Event destinations: On a recommendation by the NJSBA’s Meetings, Arrangement and Program Committee, the Trustees approved three locations for upcoming events. The 2023 Mid-Year Meeting will be held in Paris, France at the InterContinental Paris le Grand Hotel from Nov. 4-11. The 2023 Elder Law Retreat will be at the Wind Creek Bethlehem Casino & Resort in Bethlehem, Pa. from April 19-21. The Environmental Law Section will host its annual symposium at ICONA Diamond Beach Resort in Wildwood Crest from June 14-18. Visit njsba.com for more details soon. 
Elections: The Board approved the Election Committee’s proposed timeframe for voting on the Board of Trustees candidate slate, should an election become necessary this spring. The Committee recommended that voting begin March 27 and conclude on April 3, to ensure it begins and ends on a business day and avoids spring holidays.
Amendments to CLE Regulations: The Board approved nine comments recommended by the NJSBA’s CLE Advisory Committee on proposed amendments from the Board on Continuing Legal Education to the CLE Regulations. Among the proposed changes, the NJSBA supported CLE credits being given for half of a credit hour (25 minutes of instruction) and suggested adding New Jersey labor and employment law to the list of subject areas for recently admitted attorneys, because the practice area has grown substantially since the onset of the pandemic.
Legislation supported: The Board considered several pending bills and voted to support the following: 
S1756 Pou / A2371 Lopez “Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act” – a bill that regulates digital asset business activity by defining the term “digital asset” and creates a license to carry such assets, among other provisions.  
Uniform Commercial Code Amendments (2022) Uniform Law Commission’s proposed amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code – a series of amendments that further the process of incorporating electronic transactions into New Jersey law. The amendments define and address such things as electronic money and other digital assets in commercial law governing sales, leases, investment securities and secured transactions.  
A4939 McKeon –a measure that establishes a fundamental right of person to marry or enter into a civil union with person of any race.
A4965 Matsikoudis – a bill allowing those serving overseas in the military to be married or enter into civil union by video conference or other electronic means.