NJSBA Board of Trustees Report
May 15, 2024

Note: This does not constitute official minutes

AI Task Force Report: The trustees approved a report from the NJSBA Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and the Law outlining AI’s impact on the legal profession. The 36-page report addresses the fundamental considerations attorneys must make when implementing AI in their legal practice – including understanding AI’s benefits, recognizing potential risks, selecting appropriate AI tools, ensuring data protection and effectively training staff. It includes practical guidance on how attorneys can benefit from AI while navigating the technology safely and ethically.

Resolution honoring Justice Lee A. Solomon: The trustees approved a resolution honoring Justice Lee A. Solomon, who will step down from the New Jersey Supreme Court this summer. The resolution recognized Solomon as someone who earned a reputation for a sense of fairness and as having a deep understanding of the issues facing the people, businesses and agencies of the Garden State and as someone who leaves an impressive body of jurisprudence that will guide the state into the future. The resolution was presented at the States of the Judiciary event at the Annual Meeting and Convention.

Family Law Retreat: The Board approved the selection of Viceroy Los Cabos to serve as the headquarters for the 2025 Family Law Retreat, which will be held from March 23-27.

Member Insurance Benefit Program: The Board renewed its agreement with USI Affinity to serve as the member insurance benefit program provider.

Advocacy: The Board supported S779/A577, which authorizes the provision of comprehensive health care to undocumented immigrants and children.

The Board adopted the Family Law Section’s Fundamental Right to Remarry Task Force Report and will begin advocacy to advance the report’s recommendations.

Trustees and Officers: NJSBA 2023-2024 President Timothy F. McGoughran honored NJSBA 2022-2023 President Jeralyn L. Lawrence, who concluded her term on the Board. The Board also welcomed several new trustees who were sworn in at an installation ceremony on May 16. The new trustees are:

  • John Ferzetti
  • Brenda Roman Maneri
  • Joseph Maurice
  • Stephen E. Parrey
  • Kelly Shelton
  • Ronald Uzdavinis
  • Maria P. Vallejo
  • Daryl Williams
  • Brandon Lee Wolff

Foundation appointments: The New Jersey State Bar Foundation Board of Trustees includes seven trustees of the NJSBA. The Board approved reappointing the following people to the Foundation board. They are:

Kelly Ann Bird
Craig J. Compoli Jr.
Alexandra Gallo
Katrina Homel
Mikeisha Jones
Thomas Manzo
Loren L. Pierce