NJSBA Board of Trustees Report
Oct. 18, 2024
Note: This does not constitute official minutes

AI Committee: The Board adopted the charge for the new Artificial Intelligence Committee. Under the charge, the committee will examine AI in legal practice – including the latest products, legislation and services – and establish policies for AI use in accordance with professional and ethical standards. The Board created the committee this year following the release of the AI Task Force Report, a wide-ranging study that outlined AI’s impact on the legal profession and provided guidance on how attorneys can benefit from AI while navigating the technology safely and ethically.

Amicus and Legislative Awards: The Board voted to recognize more than a dozen volunteers with awards for contributing to briefs in the Association’s amicus cases and advancing the NJSBA’s legislative positions on bills that impact the practice of law. The NJSBA will honor the award recipients after the Board’s December meeting.

The Board supported the following pending legislation in the state Legislature:

A4472 Quijano – a measure that allows parties to enter into written palimony agreements without the advice of counsel.