The following is a summary of actions taken at the meeting of the New Jersey State Bar Association Board of Trustees at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. This summary does not constitute official minutes.
New trustee: The former chair of the NJSBA's
Solo and Small Firm Section will join the association's governing body. Ayesha
Hamilton was selected to fill a vacancy for a section/committee trustee that
became vacant when Evelyn Storch passed away earlier this fall. Hamilton will
be sworn in at the December board meeting. She practices in Princeton. 

audit issued: The association
received a clean slate from its auditors. WithumSmith+Brown conducted the audit
for the NJSBA's financial transactions in fiscal year 2018. The auditors said
they will issue an unmodified opinion, which is the best kind of opinion that
can be bestowed. The audit confirms the association's financials are free of
misstatements, that its financial reports have been conducted with accuracy and
transparency, and that all policies and procedures are up-to-date with current
accounting standards. The association has a roughly $11.6 million annual
budget to serve its 18,200 members and offer hundreds of educational programs
through the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education.

Legislation update: The trustees agreed to support
three measures pending in the Legislature. A4453/S2830 would revise certain
definitions in the Gestational Carrier Agreement Act. A4569/S499 would provide
for an improved system for eligibility determinations for Medicaid and NJ
Family Care applications. The trustees also lent the association’s support to a
proposed measure to amend NJSB 2A:17-56.67, which would clarify the termination
of the Probation Department’s obligation to collect and enforce child support

Neary honored: The trustees approved a
resolution honoring Mark Neary, the clerk of the New Jersey Supreme Court, who
is retiring after decades of public service. Neary has served the Court since
2009 and was commended for “an exemplary career of service to the public and
advocacy to advance the work of the Court, a fundamental foundation of our

Attorney Discipline budget comments: The
NJSBA’s Executive Committee was charged with submitting comments to the Supreme
Court’s about the proposed 2019 Attorney Disciplinary Oversight budget.