NJSBA Board of Trustees Report
Sept. 20, 2024

Note: This does not constitute official minutes

New Trustee: NJSBA President William H. Mergner Jr. swore in Robin C. Bogan as the new Morris County trustee on the Board. Bogan is an experienced family law attorney and partner at Pallarino & Bogan LLP in Morristown. She is a mainstay on educational panels for family law topics and has a long history with the NJSBA, having served as chair of the Family Law Section.

Committee Name Change: The Board approved a request by the Renewable Energy, Cleantech, and Climate Change Committee to change its name to the Corporate Sustainability, Cleantech, and Climate Change Committee. According to the committee, the name change will more accurately reflect industry trends in corporate sustainability and help avoid overlap with the Public Utility and Environmental Law Sections. The Board also approved a new charge for the committee.

Member Benefit: The Board voted to add All-State Legal to the Association’s roster of member benefits. All-State Legal is a law office supplier based in New Jersey, offering brand management, marketing products and everyday essentials for law firms. Through the new benefit, NJBSA members can receive a 15% discount on all orders from All-State Legal.

Meeting Locations: On a recommendation from the Meeting and Arrangements Program Committee, the Board approved Lisbon, Portugal as the destination of the 2026 Mid-Year Meeting and Aruba as the destination of the 2026 Family Law Retreat.

The Board supported the following pending legislation in the state Legislature:

S357 Diegnan – a measure on the rights of juvenile defendants who elect to be tried as adults.