NJSBA Board of Trustees Report
September 14, 2023
Note: This does not constitute official minutes 

AI Task Force: The Board approved the creation of the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Industry. The task force’s primary focus is to review the complex legal and ethical questions raised by AI and make recommendations for best practices when used by New Jersey attorneys. Along with exploring how attorneys can benefit from the technology, the task force will also examine its potential downsides, including situations where the use of AI could inadvertently create a waiver of attorney-client and attorney work product privileges, and the possibility of AI replacing humans in the legal industry.

Sussex County Trustee Seat: The Board voted to appoint Vanessa Henderson to fill the vacant Sussex County Trustee seat. Henderson, an assistant prosecutor in Sussex County, will replace Janine Allen, who left the Board to become a Superior Court judge. Henderson will be sworn in at the Board’s October meeting.

New Member Benefit: On a recommendation from the Membership Committee, the Board approved MedjetAssist as a new member benefit. MedjetAssist is an air medical transport membership program that covers travelers who are hospitalized 150 miles or more from the home. The service arranges transport to their hospital of choice in their home country.

Elder Justice Recommendations: The Board agreed to submit comments to the Supreme Court in response to recommendations by the Judiciary’s Working Group on Elder Justice. The comments were recommended by the Elder and Disability Law and Criminal Law Sections to help improve protections and remedies for at-risk older adults in New Jersey.

Meeting Locations: The Board also approved contracts to hold the 2024 Family Law Section Retreat in Costa Rica and the 2024 Mid-Year Meeting in Dublin, Ireland.