NJSBA Board of Trustees Report 
September 2022 
Under-represented groups: The NJSBA bylaws require that every September, the Board of Trustees designate underrepresented groups eligible for eight at-large seats on the Board and other positions in the Association. In doing so, the Board considers the latest demographic data on attorneys and NJSBA membership. The Board voted to continue the current designations for at-large seats as five designated seats for the following groups: Hispanic/Latino/a/x, Asian/Pacific American, Black/African American, LGBT[Q+], and women. In addition, there are three non-designated seats open to individuals from any the aforementioned listed groups, plus lawyers over the age of 70 and attorneys with disabilities/differing abilities and attorneys who are members of a diversity bar association listed in the NJSBA policy manual.
Signature events: The trustees agreed to explore the viability of Paris as the location of the 2023 Mid-Year Meeting, likely held in November. The Board also approved contracts for the 2023 Family Law Retreat at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess in Scottsdale, along with the 2023 Family Law Symposium at The Hyatt in New Brunswick.  
Government affairs: The Board voted to support a trio of bills before the state Legislature:   
• S2841 Scutari / A4292 Carter, a bill that raises the minimum amount of liability coverage for commercial motor vehicles to $1,500,000.  
• S2254 Scutari / A4271 McKnight, which prohibits selection of health insurance coverage as primary under personal injury protection coverage. 
• S981 Diegnan / A2354 Mukherji, a measure that revises laws prohibiting the cruel tethering and confinement of dogs; and establishes procedures for the seizure, care and forfeiture of animals involved in animal cruelty violations.