Election Law Update
Date: Oct 21, 2024 9:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $177.00
Non-Member Price: $209.00
Section Price: $0.00
Areas of Law: Election
Earn up to 4 credits, including 1.0 in Ethics! (More Information)
- John M. Carbone, Esq.
- Carbone & Faasse, Ridgewood
- Yael Bromberg, Esq.
- Bromberg Law LLC, New York
- Harrison Clewell, Esq.
- Genova Burns LLC, Newark
- Stephanie A. Olivo, Esq.
- McCarter & English, LLP, Philadelphiais Director of Compliance, New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) in Trenton, New Jersey. She manages the operation of the compliance programs for the agency, which includes intake of reports filed by the regulated community, review of the reports filed, communication with the regulated community and disclosure to the public. The compliance division handles all required quarterly and election cycle campaign finance reports, personal financial disclosure forms, annual lobbying financial reports, governmental affairs agents’ quarterly reports, business entity disclosure reports and all reporting required for the gubernatorial public financing program.
Ms. Olivo received her undergraduate degree from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and her J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law-Camden. - Scott D. Salmon, Esq.
- Jardim, Meisner, Salmon, Sprague & Susser, PC, Florham Park
- Steven H. Sholk, Esq.
- Gibbons PC, Newark
- David Wildstein
- Editor, New Jersey Globe
Campaigns and elections develop in unplanned or unanticipated ways. Advising and adapting to these developments requires you, as the attorney, to keep the client’s conduct and actions within the bounds of the law. Gaining and holding the confidence of the client, the campaign, staff and consultants is a daunting task that will determine your success or failure.
This seminar will offer you knowledge and insights to successfully represent the client. The presenters are experienced, recognized for their expertise in election law and public service. You cannot afford to miss these presentations to learn the law by experience, examples and elucidation.
Topics include:
- Ethics and defamation update - John M. Carbone, Esq. (Moderator)
- Commentary on upcoming elections - David Wildstein
- Objections to candidate petitions - Scott D. Salmon, Esq.
- Campaign Finance: FEC Internet Exemption, Coordination and Recent Litigation - Steven H. Sholk, Esq.
- Puff Went the Party Line and Developing Voting Rights Issues - Yael Bromberg, Esq.
- Impact of Social Media on Elections - Harrison Clewell, Esq.
- Stephanie A. Olivo, Esq. former Compliance Director for N.J. Election Law Enforcement Commission
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