Election Law Update 2023
Date: Oct 4, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Location: Online
Member Price: $160
Non-Member Price: $200
Areas of Law: Election
Earn up to 4 credits, including 1.0 in Ethics! (More Information)
- John M. Carbone, Esq.
- Carbone & Faasse, Ridgewood
- George R. Gilmore, Esq.
- Ocean County Republican Party Chairman, Toms River
- Victor J. Herlinsky, Jr., Esq.
- Sills Cummis & Gross PC, Newark
- Matthew C. Moench, Esq.
- King Moench & Collins, LLP, Morris Plains
- Stephanie A. Olivo, Esq.
- McCarter & English, LLP, Philadelphiais Director of Compliance, New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) in Trenton, New Jersey. She manages the operation of the compliance programs for the agency, which includes intake of reports filed by the regulated community, review of the reports filed, communication with the regulated community and disclosure to the public. The compliance division handles all required quarterly and election cycle campaign finance reports, personal financial disclosure forms, annual lobbying financial reports, governmental affairs agents’ quarterly reports, business entity disclosure reports and all reporting required for the gubernatorial public financing program.
Ms. Olivo received her undergraduate degree from Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and her J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law-Camden. - Scott D. Salmon, Esq.
- Jardim, Meisner, Salmon, Sprague & Susser, PC, Florham Park
- Steven H. Sholk, Esq.
- Gibbons PC, Newark
- William M. Tambussi, Esq.
- Brown & Connery, LLP, Westmont
- David Wildstein
- Editor, New Jersey Globe
Political Campaigns and Elections are both career makers and career enders, where success for your client and you are engendered by your skills and knowledge. While counterintuitive, the function of an election is not to choose a winner but to assure the other candidates and the public that loser lost fair and square.
This seminar will cover and embody the techniques, training and talent you will need to successfully serve your clients. As a lawyer, your engagement is crucial to upholding election integrity and ensuring candidates compete in a lawful and secure election. All this has to be done in a manner to avoid criminal, civil or ethical challenges to the client but most importantly to you the campaign counsel.
Topics include:
- Avoiding problems and pitfalls that will “Rudy-ize” your ethical conduct: John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani saga
- Presidents Donald Trump and Joseph Biden: factor, fiction, fading?
- A look at upcoming elections-issues and candidates
- Political Parties and the ballot line the legal challenge
- Campaign finance compliance and avoiding complaints
- New NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission – Capon or Competent
- Voter Protection and Election Day activities
- Paper ballots and Election systems: casting, counting, recounting, rechecking, and challenging
- Recent election law changes
- Post-election tabulation, recount preparation, and more.
- U.S. Supreme Court: Purcell and its progeny-what’s next?
- In re Fernandez, 468 N.J. Super. 377 (App. Div. 2021) enhanced pleadings and now high has the bar?
- Election year activities if Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations
- and much more!
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