Freedom of Expression in the Workplace

Date: Sep 18, 2024 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Location: Online

Member Price: $143.00

Non-Member Price: $179.00

Section Price: $0.00

Event Code: I153924

Areas of Law: Diversity, Labor & Employment

Earn up to 3 credits, including 1.2 in Diversity! (More Information)




Tracy Sanders, Esq.
Founder, Natural Hair and the Law, Los Angeles


Leonard V. Jones, Esq.
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Newark
is a civil litigation attorney and associate with Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney P.C. in Newark, New Jersey, and New York City, where he focuses his practice in complex civil and employment litigation, including representing individual, business and public entity clients in state and federal courts. He has also served as an Assistant Prosecutor with the Union County Prosecutor's Office, prosecuting cases involving narcotics, violent crimes and economic crimes.

Admitted to practice in New Jersey and New York, and before the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Mr. Jones was appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court to a four-year term as a Member of the District XII Fee Arbitration Committee and is a member of the New Jersey State, Garden State and Union County Bar Associations. He is a member of several sections and committees of the New Jersey State Bar Association, including the Diversity Committee, Minorities in the Profession Section, Civil Trial Bar Section and Federal Practice and Procedure Section, as well as the Young Lawyers Division. He is also a member of the Union County Bar Association Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias Committee and the Program Committee of the Sidney Reitman American Inn of Court.

Mr. Jones received his B.A., magna cum laude, from Seton Hall University, his Masters in Public Administration from Seton Hal University and his J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law, where he was the recipient of the Eagleton Institute of Politics Governor’s Executive Fellowship. He clerked for the Honorable James P. Wilson, J.S.C., Superior Court of New Jersey, Family Division, Union Vicinage.
Diana-Marie Laventure, Esq.
Kaufman Borgeest & Ryan LLP, New York

The U.S. presidential election will be held this November and everyone has an opinion. While the Constitution protects free speech, those opinions should not necessarily be expressed at work.

Employees may be disciplined for political activism depending on the time, place and manner of the act, both inside and outside of the office.

Join Tracy Sanders, founder of Natural Hair and Law, as she leads a discussion about all forms of expression in the workplace. Tracy will examine legally appropriate vs. inappropriate communication at work, state and federal employment law, constitutional law and how it affects your clients. She’ll also look at other means of expression, including hair, clothes, tattoos, piercings and other ethnic or fashion choices and the interplay between personal expression and the law.

The program will end with five tips to navigate politics in the office.

This program will not advocate for any candidate or political party. It will strictly be a discussion of the law and legal rights.   

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 3 hours of total CLE credit, including 1.2 in Diversity (Full Credits Available: NJ Advanced Diversity: 1.2, NJ General: 1.8).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Diversity Non-Transitional: 1.0, NY Professional Practice Non-Transitional: 1.5
PA CLE:PA Ethics Credit: 1.0, PA Substantive Credit: 1.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.

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