Initial Arbitration Training

Date: Apr 16, 2025 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: New Jersey Law Center, 1 Constitution Sq, New Brunswick

Member Price: $159.00

Non-Member Price: $199.00

Section Price: $0.00

Event Code: I085025

Areas of Law: Dispute Resolution

Earn up to 3.3 credits! (More Information)




Melissa A. Czartoryski, Esq.
Civil Practice Division, Administrative Office of the Courts


Hon. Douglas H. Hurd, P.J.Cv.
Mercer County Superior Court
Donald S. De Dio, Esq.
Dwyer Connell & Lisbona, Fairfield
Frederick D. Miceli, Esq.
Law Offices of Frederick Miceli, West Caldwell
Richard H. Steen, Esq.
Richard H. Steen, LLC, Princeton
Rachel Walton
Civil Division Manager, Superior Court of New Jersey, Monmouth County

The Rules of Court provide that all individuals who wish to serve as arbitrators in the court-annexed civil arbitration program must complete at least three classroom hours of initial training in a course approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts.

NJICLE is proud to present this training, which will provide instruction on applicable statutes, court rules and administrative directives and policies; standards of conduct; and applicable procedures for conducting arbitrations. This seminar is intended for those individuals who meet the qualifications set forth in Rule 4:21A-2(b) for admission to the roster of arbitrators, which includes 10 years of experience in any area of substantive law subject to arbitration.

The court-annexed non-binding arbitration program is mandatory for certain case types, including automobile negligence, personal injury, personal injury protection (PIP) claims, actions on a book account, and appropriate contract and commercial claims. However, Rule 4:21A-1(b) permits any action to be submitted to arbitration with consent of the parties.

Arbitrator compensation is set forth in Rule 4:21A-2(d). Two-arbitrator panels are paid a total per diem fee of $450, to be divided equally. If a single arbitrator is assigned, the arbitrator is paid a per diem fee of $350.

Who should attend?

  1. If you have been on the court-approved list of arbitrators, but did not complete the three-hour initial training requirement prior to March 17, 2005, your name was removed from the list. As soon as you complete the three-hour initial training course, your name will be placed back on the court-approved list.
  2. If you have never been on the court-approved list of arbitrators, you can take this three-hour initial training course, but you must also apply and have your application approved by the county in which you wish to sit as an arbitrator. Once your application has been approved, this course will then be credited for your three-hour initial training requirement.

Take this course to comply with the initial three-hour CLE requirement for arbitrators.

Topics include:

  • The New Jersey Civil Arbitration Program
  • Types of cases currently being referred to arbitration
  • Statutory requirements and court rules
  • Arbitrator qualifications
  • Authority of the arbitrator
  • Qualities of a good arbitrator

Program Agenda:

  • 9:00 | Welcome & Opening Remarks
    - Hon. Douglas H. Hurd, P.J.Cv.; Melissa A. Czartoryski, Esq.

  • 9:15 | Review of Arbitration Process: Video Presentation and Guided Discussion
    Hon. Douglas H. Hurd, P.J.Cv.; Rachel Walton; Donald S. De Dio, Esq.; Frederick D. Miceli, Esq.; Richard H. Steen, Esq.

  • 11:00 | Break

  • 11:15 | Mock Arbitration: Andrea Doe v. Victor and Marion Smith
    - Arbitrator – Frederick D. Miceli, Esq.
    - Plaintiff Counsel – Richard H. Steen, Esq.
    - Plaintiff – Rachel Walton
    - Defense Counsel – Donald S. De Dio Esq.

  • 12:00 | Adjourn

CLE Credits
NJ CLE:NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 3.3 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 3.3).
NY CLE (t&nt):NY Professional Practice Non-Transitional: 3.0
PA CLE:PA Substantive Credit: 2.5
New: No PACLE fee is required for this program. To earn PA CLE credits, a valid PA Bar ID number must be entered into the CLE form provided after attending the program.

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