Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Be Part of the NJSBA 2025 Annual Meeting and Convention
Connect with over 3,000 prospective clients from the New Jersey legal community.
Elevate your products and services within the community. And increase your exposure with sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.
The NJSBA represents the entire legal profession and brings together attorneys, judges, law clerks, legal administrators and paralegals.
Being part of the Annual Meeting means having a chance to meet with your target market and make meaningful connections.
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsorship opportunities include:
- Preferred booth location (based on availability)
- Your name or logo will have digital presence on the NJSBA.com Annual Meeting and Convention page
- Your company will be included on the NJSBA mobile app
- Your name or logo will be included in all pre-event announcements (print and email), as well as on-site signage and digital ads on LCD monitors at Borgata and MGM Tower.
- NEW: Pre-convention attendee list (names and company only)
- Post-convention mailing list
View the following Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
New Branding Opportunities | Receptions and Networking Events | Convention Essentials
- NEW Digital Signage
- NEW Promotional Email Banner
- NEW Branded Napkins
- Continuous Hot Beverage Service
- Escalator Clings
- Electronics Charging Stations
- Convention Web App Banner Ad
Exclusive | Cost: $1,500 | ADD-ON, available only to existing sponsors and exhibitors
Run your advertisement on the enormous 17×10-foot tall screen located above the heavily trafficked escalators and staircase to the Borgata Event Center. It will also be featured on 76×24 inch portable digital displays in other locations through the event. Specs available upon request.
Exclusive | Cost: $2,000 per email
Reach every Annual Meeting attendees as well as thousands of other New Jersey State Bar Association members as we share news of our premiere event’s many receptions, panels and networking opportunities! Your company’s electronic banner ad can link directly to your website.
Exclusive per day | Cost: $2,500 per day
Your sponsorship includes logo and/or name recognition on all beverage napkins, per day, at both the Borgata Exhibit Hall and at The MGM Tower.
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Exclusive for timeslot | Cost: $2,500 per day
Last year, attendees consumed nearly 11,000 cups of coffee making this sponsorship one of the best values and a fantastic opportunity for your logo to be visible to thousands of attendees. Get your name into the mix with a sponsorship of hot beverage service in the Borgata Exhibit Hall and at The MGM Tower.
- Wednesday a.m.
- Wednesday p.m.
- Thursday a.m. SOLD
- Thursday p.m. SOLD
- Friday a.m.
Exclusive per location
$3,000 per location or $8,000 for all three locations
Put your brand on all three escalators that take attendees to and from seminars, networking events, and more, with sponsorship of an escalator cling. Your cling will appear on the escalator in the Borgata that takes you to and from the NJSBA registration area, seminar rooms and exhibit hall; on the Central Conference Rooms escalator, located in the middle of the Borgata Casino floor, and on the MGM Tower Escalator, taking attendees to and from seminars in that location.
The Borgata and MGM Tower | Cost: $2,000
Two available stations | Limited to two sponsors per station
Your logo on two charging stations, where attendees can safely lock and charge their devices.
Non-Exclusive Cost: $1,000 – $2,500 depending on placement
Advertise your business on the platform all attendees will use to navigate every aspect of the Annual Meeting
Phone specs: 640 pixels wide x 150 pixels high Tablet/Online specs: 552 pixels wide x 150 pixels high Only PNG, JPEG and GIF formats accepted.
- Welcome Reception
- Reception Honoring Newly Installed Officers and Trustees
- Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Kickoff Party
- Premier Night Club Afterparty
- Diversity Committee Cocktails & Conversation Networking Reception
- Women's Leadership Cocktail Reception
- NJSBA Section Cocktail Receptions
- Diversity Commitee Annual Luncheon
- Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Law Clerk Luncheon
- Family Law Section Luncheon
Wednesday, May 14, 6:30–8 p.m.
Non-exclusive | Cost: $5,000
Kick off the convention with a fun-filled evening of networking and camaraderie while you and your team join attendees pool side for food and cocktails. Set the tone for a great convention as a sponsor of this event where hundreds of attorneys raise a toast to the convention.
Thursday, May 15, 8 – 10:30 p.m.
Central Ballroom
Non-exclusive Cost: $5,000
Support this special reception honoring the new president, officers and trustees, where you can offer a toast and enjoy an elegant buffet. Mix and mingle with leaders from the New Jersey State Bar Association, convention attendees and others who are there to support the new leadership. Sponsors will be acknowledged on event signage.
Wednesday, May 14, starts at 8:30 p.m.
Central Ballroom
Non-exclusive | Cost: $5,000 or $10,000 exclusive
Everyone loves a party and this YLD event brings out the best in all of us with cocktails, light food and fun! Socialize with young lawyers and those who are young at heart. Hosted by the YLD and open to all attendees this is a chance to build loyalty for your brand with attorneys who are starting a lifetime career.
Thursday, May 15, 10 p.m. – Midnight
Limited to four sponsors | Cost: $7,500
Keep the fun going at this exciting After Party where you and your team can dance the night away with attendees. Enjoy music, dancing, desserts and fun, with your company’s information on display. Post selfies to the NJSBA Social Media Message wall and remember to tweet pictures to #njsbaac.
Wednesday, May 14, 9:30–11 p.m.
Non-exclusive | Cost: $2,500 or $7,500 exclusive
Sponsored by the NJSBA Diversity Committee, this reception demonstrates the collaboration and inclusion of all groups in the legal profession. Light fare and beverages, music and fun. Open to all attendees, exhibitors and sponsors.
Wednesday, May 14, 5–6:30 p.m.
Non-exclusive | Cost: $2,500
Support women leaders at this end-of-day cocktail reception.
Thursday, May 16, 5–6 p.m.
Location TBD
Non-exclusive | Cost: $1,500
Special pricing is available for law firm sponsors
Support a section-specific cocktail reception, where you can mix and mingle with NJSBA section leaders and members. As a sponsor your logo will appear on the screen inside the reception room along with onsite signage outside the reception room. You will receive two tickets to attend and will have a few minutes to introduce yourself and speak about your company to the gathered attendees.
- Civil Trial Bar
- Real Property, Trust, and Estate Law
- LGBTQ Rights
- Solo and Small-Firm
- Minorities in the Profession
Thursday, May 15, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Non-exclusive | Cost: $2,500 or $7,500 exclusive
This popular luncheon spotlights noteworthy achievements in diversity and inclusion in the profession and features a distinguished speaker for a keynote address. One honoree will be awarded the prestigious Mel Narol Excellence in Diversity Award.
Wednesday, May 14 or Thursday, May 15
Non-exclusive: $2,500
Sponsors each get two tickets to attend
Packed with fun and conversation, these lunches are designed to help the next generation of lawyers connect, find solutions and learn from each other. Attracting over 300 attendees, you will want to make sure your company is part of the conversation. Lunch sponsors are encouraged to participate and share their solutions. Select one:
- Wednesday, May 14
- Thursday, May 15 SOLD
Thursday, May 16, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Old Homestead
Limited to four sponsors | Cost: $2,500
Join NJSBA Family Law section members at this private luncheon. Your name will be prominently displayed on colorful on-site signage.
Convention Essentials
- Convention Lanyard
- Hotel Key Card
- Seminar Tap & Go Station
- Pad Sponsor
- Hand Sanitizer Stations
- Convention Tracks
Exclusive | Cost: $7,000
Exclusive | Cost: $5,500
Place your branding directly in the hands of attendees at they check in to their hotel with a custom advertising message on the keyboard.
Limited to two sponsors | Cost: $5,000 Wednesday | $5,000 Thursday
Your logo on every Tap & Go Station, located at each meeting room where attendees must scan their badges to enter.
- Wednesday
- Thursday
Limited to four sponsors | Cost: $2,000
Your logo will appear on the bottom of the convention notepad, used by every attendee.
Limited to four sponsors | Cost: $1,500
Everyone wants clean hands. Each station includes your logo, booth number and website address.
Limited to three sponsors per track | Cost: $2,000
Target your audience and reach attorneys in the areas of practice that matter to your business. This opportunity includes having your company logo projected on the screen prior to the start of each seminar in the track. NOTE: specific track names are subject to change as programs are developed.
Business Law | Labor and Employment Law |
Civil Litigation | Municipal Court Practice |
Corporate Commercial | Real Estate |
Criminal Litigation SOLD | Solo and Small-Firm Practice |
Cybersecurity | Taxation |
Diversity | Trust and Estate Law |
Family Law | Workers’ Compensation–Litigation |
Health and Wellness | Young Lawyers |
Law Practice Management |
Law Firm Sponsorship Opportunities
Choose your sponsorship level
- Diamond (Exclusive) Sponsor
- Platinum Sponsor
- Gold Sponsor
- Sapphire Sponsor
- Silver Sponsor
- Topaz Sponsor
- Bronze Sponsor
- Friend
- Supporter
• Five attorney registrations
• Five tickets to the installation dinner + congratulatory ad
• Digital signage including exclusive signage of wrap-around digital sign at the bottom of the escalators on the casino floor leading to the event space
• Sponsorship of 5 from Branding Opportunities + Reception/Networking Events + Convention Essentials selected from attached prospectus
• Five attorney registrations
• Five tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital signage
• Sponsorship of 4 from Branding Opportunities + Reception/Networking Events + Convention Essentials selected from attached prospectus
• Five attorney registrations
• Five tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital signage
• Sponsorship of 3 from Branding Opportunities + Reception/Networking Events or Convention Essentials selected from attached prospectus
• Four attorney registrations
• Four tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital signage
• Sponsorship of 2 from Branding Opportunities + Reception/Networking Events or Convention Essentials selected from attached prospectus
• Four attorney registrations
• Four tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital signage
• Sponsorship of 1 from Branding Opportunities or Reception/Networking Events or Convention Essentials selected from attached prospectus
• Three attorney registrations
• Three tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital Signage
• Two attorney registrations
• Two tickets to the installation dinner + digital congratulatory ad
• Digital Signage
• One attorney registration
• One ticket to the installation dinner
• Digital congratulatory ad