News from the NJSBA
Get all the latest news from the NJSBA about the Association, it’s advocacy, people and happenings, as well as statements and press releases about current events.
Volunteers Needed for District Ethics and Fee Arbitration Committees
The Judiciary is seeking attorneys, retired or active, to apply as volunteers for New Jersey’s District Ethics Committees and District Fee Arbitration Committees. Applications are due by May 2. Apply here.
NJLAP Newsletter Offers Well-Being Tips for the Winter
Read the February issue of the New Jersey Lawyers Assistance Program’s newsletter for advice on how lawyers can address seasonal affective disorder, problem drinking and depression. The edition also offers wellness columns and information on a confidential support...
The NJICLE Federal Practice Bench-Bar Symposium is April 10
The annual 2025 Federal Practice Bench-Bar Symposium returns on April 10 for a special event on the interplay between federal and state court procedure. Don’t miss the unique chance to join U.S. District Court Chief Judge Renée Marie Bumb, along with 28 federal judges...
Capitol Report: Debt Adjuster Statute Infringes on Judiciary’s Authority, NJSBA Argues
This week’s Capitol Report cover the NJSBA’s amicus brief in Anchor Law Firm, PLLC, et. al. v. The State of New Jersey, et al., cases that challenges the law regulating attorneys who engage in debt adjustment services on behalf of their clients. The report also covers...
Still Time to Register for 2025 McLaughlin Awards
The deadline has been extended to register for the 2025 James J. McLaughlin Awards, the annual tribute to civility, legal competence and professionalism in the practice of civil law. Join the NJSBA on Feb. 11 to honor retired state Supreme Court Justice Faustino J....
The NJSBA Docket is Here With the Latest Updates From the Legal Community
Check out the latest issue of The NJSBA Docket, a bulletin with news from the Judiciary, recent Supreme Court and appellate decisions and Association highlights. Read on to get the information and resources you need. Be sure to subscribe to the The NJSBA Docket on...
Bowl While Networking with Legal Professionals From Across the State
Join the NJSBA on Feb. 27 for our annual “Battle of the Bars” bowling event at Bowlero North Brunswick! This event is open to NJSBA members and other legal professional non-members. Register here.
Call for NJSBF Board of Trustees
The New Jersey State Bar Foundation’s Nominating Committee invites NJSBA members and non-lawyers to apply for a position on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Trustees serve one-year terms beginning in July 2025. Applications are due by March 7. Apply here.
NJSBA Celebrates Diversity at Annual Summit
The NJSBA hosted another successful Diversity Summit on Jan. 28, a day filled with thoughtful programs on the future of the legal profession and the law through the lens of equity, inclusion and accessibility. Thanks to all the panelists, volunteers and co-sponsors...
Solo and Small-Firm Conference Returns for 2025
Don’t miss the CLE event of the year for solo and small-firm attorneys to network, have fun with colleagues and attend programs specially designed for the practice. This year’s conference will include a Friday night session and Saturday kickoff program featuring...
Registration Open for 2025 NJSBA Annual Meeting and Convention
Early-bird registration is now open for the premier annual event of the New Jersey legal community. Take part in unparalleled educational and networking opportunities at the 2025 NJSBA Annual Meeting and Convention on May 14-16 at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa...
NJSBA Board of Trustees Acts at January Meeting
The NJSBA’s Board of Trustees convened in January to support pending legislation in the state Legislature, weigh in on Court Rules regarding juvenile defendants and act on other business items. Read about the meeting here.
Capitol Report: Expungement Bill Prohibiting Disclosure of Pending Orders Heads to the Governor
Read this week’s Capitol Report for updates on a bill that would prohibit the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) from sharing the criminal history information of people with unprocessed expungement records. The report also covers a bill on farmland assessments. Read...
Look for NJSBA Proposed Bylaws Vote Information Monday
NJSBA general members are being asked to vote on proposed changes that seek to make the bylaws more precise, consistent and, most importantly, ensure the Association reflects the changing legal community and remain financially healthy to serve future generations of...
Hundreds of Family Law Practitioners Attend Annual Symposium
The NJSBA’s annual Family Law Symposium had a great turnout among family law attorneys and related professionals. The two-day symposium featured thought-provoking and insightful presentations from the state’s leading lawyers and judges. Check out pictures here.