
The NJSBA adopts resolutions to highlight an issue facing the profession or public related to the fair administration of justice; recognize a public official; and more. Read those resolutions here:

Resolution honoring Justice Lee A. Solomon for his distinguished service on the New Jersey Supreme Court – May 2024

Resolution supporting the New Jersey Judiciary as a co-equal branch of government and opposing the politicization of the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court – May 2024

Resolution congratulating Supreme Court Justice Barry T. Albin on his distinguished career as a jurist and lawyer – March 2023

Resolution congratulating United States District Court of New Jersey Chief Judge Freda L. Wolfson on her distinguished career of public service – February 2023

Resolution of the New Jersey State Bar Association calling upon the New Jersey Supreme Court to abolish the Madden assignment system – January 18, 2023

Resolutions urging action to fill judicial vacancies by the New Jersey State Bar Association, New Jersey’s 21 county bar associations and seven affinity bar associations – August 1, 2022

Resolution honoring the Monmouth Vicinage of the New Jersey Judiciary as the winner of the American Bar Association award for the best 2021 outstanding law day activity – March 11, 2022

Resolution honoring the Passaic Vicinage of the New Jersey Judiciary as the winner of the American Bar Association award for the best 2021 outstanding law day activity – March 11, 2022

Resolution honoring Justice Faustino J. Fernandez-Vina for his distinguished service on the New Jersey Supreme Court and his contributions to the fair administration of justice – March 11, 2022

Resolution honoring Justice Jaynee LaVecchia for her distinguished service on the New Jersey Supreme Court, a lifetime commitment to public service and the fair administration of justice – July 16, 2021

Resolution Honoring Justice Walter F. Timpone for his distinguished service on the New Jersey Supreme Court, and his contributions to the fair administration of justice – September 11, 2020

Resolution of the New Jersey State Bar Association Condemning and Denouncing Acts of Bias Against Asian Americans in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic – May 12, 2020

NJSBA Resolution Congratulating the New Jersey Lawyer’s Fund for Client Protection in Celebration of its 50th Anniversary – September 21, 2019

NJSBA Resolution Supporting Award of Congressional Medal to New Jersey Suffragist and Equal Rights Amendment Co-author Alice Paul – September 23, 2016

NJSBA Resolution honoring the 40th anniversary of the Community Health Law Project – September 23, 2016

NJSBA Resolution honoring David Lazarus and his service to the Community Health Law Project – June 17, 2016

NJSBA Resolution supporting the New Jersey Judiciary as a co-equal branch of government – March 17, 2016
NJSBA Resolution directing the NJSBA’s ABA Delegates to vote against the Resolution submitted by the ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services in connection with Model Regulatory Objectives at the 2016 Mid-Year Meeting – December 16, 2015

NJSBA Resolution honoring American Bar Association President-Elect Paulette Brown – May 15, 2015

NJSBA Resolution supporting the objectives of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index – September 12, 2014

NJSBA Resolution supporting the renomination of Chief Justice Stuart Rabner – February 14, 2014

NJSBA Resolution opposing the proposal for mandatory pro bono service by individuals who have not yet been admitted to the Bar – February 15, 2013

NJSBA Resolution on Rutgers University School of Law – Camden – A resolution urging support of maintaining Rutgers University School of Law – Camden as part of the state wide university – February 24, 2012

NJSBA Resolution opposing an increase in court filing fees – A resolution opposing an increase in court filing fees since it has not received information justifying increases, which would place “the cost and burden of upgrading the court system and providing legal assistance to indigent New Jersey citizens on users of the courts.” – December 9, 2011

NJSBA Resolution on filling judicial vacancies  – A resolution calling on the Governor and Senate to put political considerations aside and take prompt action to fill all existing judicial vacancies. – December 9, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Justices and Judges Pension and Health Care Benefits – A resolution calling for the repeal of those portions of P.L. 2011, Chapter 78, an Act Concerning Public Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits, as they apply to Justices of the New Jersey Supreme Court and Judges of the New Jersey Superior Court. – July 15, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Full-Time Government Attorneys Pension and Health Care Benefits – A resolution calling for the repeal of those portions of P.L. 2011, Chapter 78, an Act Concerning Public Employee Pension and Health Care Benefits, as they apply to full-time government attorneys. – July 15, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Judge Edwin H. Stern  – A resolution honoring Judge Edwin H. Stern for his years of distinguished service on the Superior, Appellate and Supreme Courts and his contributions to the fair administration of justice. – June 2, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Justice Roberto Rivera-Soto – A resolution honoring New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Roberto Rivera-Soto for his commitment to the bench, bar and public in the State of New Jersey. – May 13, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Judge MaryAnne Trump Barry – A resolution recognizing Judge Barry on her retirement from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and recommending President Barack Obama appoint a qualifed woman attorney or lower court jurist to fill the vacancy. – January 25, 2011

NJSBA Resolution for Justice John E. Wallace Jr. A resolution honoring Justice John E. Wallace, Jr. for his dedication to the people of New Jersey and his years of distinguished service as a justice, judge, lawyer and citizen. – May 11, 2010

NJSBA Resolution on Judicial Independence A resolution expressing the position of the New Jersey State Bar Association in support of the independence of the State’s judges and judicial candidates and the renomination of Supreme Court Associate Justice Barry T. Albin. – May 13, 2009